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Instead of having a wall.

daylily 8 Aug 14
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LMAO funny

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 14, 2019

Mexico is now 2nd only to China in total income from goods made there and sold here. They are quickly learning our tricks...Once cannabis is legalized most of us know that "South-of-the-border" pot is much better than US they will then catch up to...and possibly surpass us. I know of one couple who "expatriated" there for the cheap's just a matter of time before Mexico will be a powerful nation.

Edit "The Day After Tomorrow" a fiction movie about the ocean gulf-stream warm current being stopped by melting ice and thus bringing on an ice age within days ...(fiction, of course; not the shutting off of the Gulf Stream flow, but the ultra short transition to ice age)..most of the US became too cold, and Mexico thus...toward the end of the (fiction) movie....had to stop the flow of excess immigrants in to their nation...LOL!

Robecology Level 9 Aug 14, 2019

Good idea!! Let's buy Mexico!!!


Hell, I heard the wall would cost 20billion

Rudy1962 Level 9 Aug 14, 2019

Trump can't decide what kind of wall he wants. Forty feet high concrete wall or a five foot tall electrified barb wire wall? Additionally, he doesn't say how far that wall will extend. There are places on the border where nobody wants to cross -- too much desert and mountains.

Those crossing the border illegally want a spot where they can find a bus stop or something resembling civilization rather than desert mountain climbing. Going to build a wall there?

Estimates for the wall are all over the place. There is no leadership on the project.

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