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scurry 9 Aug 18
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a dog here, but applies to all animals

Absolutely true!!

@scurry I'm perfectly willing to club anything to death that wants to eat me.

@WonderWartHog99 Hey, I get that. Self defense is self defense.

@scurry I'm a little loose with that self defense thing. I'll kill cockroaches just because they're here.

@WonderWartHog99 I reckon being kiled and earen by a top carnivore is a pretty good end to life .. way better than vegitating in a home somewhere

@ShadowAmicus " . . . kiled and earen . . ."

Uh, sure. Just passing around a bowl of cockroaches for snacks in the evening. Okay, I kill cockroaches because they are as ugly as the soul of a used car dealer. Especially the two inch long flying cockroaches. Has nothing to do with survival.

@WonderWartHog99 bugs and grubs are delicacies in some parts of the world

@ShadowAmicus Because they carry disease, nobody intentionally eats cockroaches. I've watched too many food/cooking shows from obscure parts of the planet to be unaware that there are bugs and grubs which are considered good eats but never cockroaches.

There is one tribe that hunts down large spiders in their fields that they roast and eat. This same tribe refuses to eat eggs because the eggs are too close to the bird's ass.

Sometimes they eat bugs and grubs because that is what is available.

"After three days [of starving] dog taste pretty good." -- Little Big Man.


Absolutely correct!



Sticks48 Level 9 Aug 18, 2019

The photo is beautiful.

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