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My Russian pen pal said "Cold? You think you know cold?"

WonderWartHog99 8 Sep 15
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I hear they had a heat wave there a couple summers back and people were dying from the high temperatures.... They say it went as high as the mid 80s'....


Just to rub it in Heli added...

How about we send the KKK and Nazis into exile there?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Offer them money to move there and $30,000 pension to stay there.

@WonderWartHog99 Just offer them 30,000 and don't say dollars so we can make it roubles instead.... 30K and a keg of Budwieser every month...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Once you've put a dollar sign in front of the offer, they won't be confused with rubles. East Caribbean dollar, maybe.

I've often advocated that people who have been sentenced to life in prison, should be exiled to the Republic of Chad with a $30,000 life time pension. It's cheaper than prison and they'll die from health problems early. Really, really cheap STD infected whores, almost no doctors or medicine. The United Nation's World Health Organization (WHO), says don't eat the food, don't drink the water. Chad is the world leader in tset flies (sleeping sickness) exports.

Just when you think it could get worse, there's Chad.

@WonderWartHog99 Sounds a lot like Mississippi....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There's no WHO warnings about Mississippi. WHO has a long list of shots before and after leaving Chad. Unlike the US, Chad sells refugee children and has done so for most of a century. Because of their swamps Mississippi boasts of being a "sportsman's paradise." Chad has the lion's share of the Shara desert. Nobody dies of sleeping sickness in Mississippi. In Chad there's always factions that have wars where the border is in a featureless desert. Mississippi puts up signs: "Welcome to Mississippi." Mississippi even has paved roads! It's not until you've been to some gwad forbidden third world country that you know how wonderful the phrase paved roads starts to sound.

I could go on. Nobody shoots their travel agent for sending them to Mississippi . . . .

Honey child, I can tell -- you have no idea how bad Chad is. Even war correspondents don't want to go to Chad, which is one reason you don't hear much about Chad.

@WonderWartHog99 Sorry I was thinking of Alabama....

" A United Nations official investigating poverty in the United States was shocked at the level of environmental degradation in some areas of rural Alabama, saying he had never seen anything like it in the developed world.

"I think it's very uncommon in the First World. This is not a sight that one normally sees. I'd have to say that I haven't seen this," Philip Alston, the U.N.'s Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, told Connor Sheets of earlier this week as they toured a community in Butler County where "raw sewage flows from homes through exposed PVC pipes and into open trenches and pits.""


  1. They place Alabama in the developed world while in Chad it's hard to find both a light bulb and even harder to find dependable electricity.

Alabama has more roads than Chad, which is the size of Texas.

  1. That's an ill defined rural Alabama. Live in the sticks, you might not have much to work with. However most people who live in Alabama live in the ultra modern, megalopolis parts of the state.

  2. Your site says they haven't even started their study in US territories.

We need to go to the Mobile, AL, Mari Gras. There's no Mari Gras parades in California with people yelling stuff like "throw me something mister" or "Bubba, wanta moon pie, moon pie, pie." Along with those parades going on all month long, they also have the various krews (what you've never heard of a krew?) formal balls. Don't brother to clean your tux. They're very excursive who they'll let in.

Of course, we'll always have Clearlake, California with a poverty rate of 35.9 percent.

"The northern California town of Clearlake is the poorest town in the state. Clearlake's poverty rate of 35.9% . . . . " Source: []

The same source gives the poorest town in Alabama (Selma) only a two percent higher rate of poverty than Clearlake.

In conclusion, don't compare the extreme poverty of the third world with the developed world. It won't get you anywhere.

I need find documentation that California leads America in snooty galoots. I've lived in both states. A grant application awaits!

@WonderWartHog99 And yet even ion the most impoverished areas of California we don't just dump raw sewage into the backyard and have hookworm epidemics.... Nor do we bury Granny under the front porch..


Hookworms are totally unknown in California. Except on their pets:


Your Alabama "hookworm epidemic" was 19 people out of 55 people tested.

When it comes to dumping raw sewage California is totally innocent, except in L.A.


Your sources didn't mention anyone being buried under a porch in Alabama. Californians keep their headless corpses in fish tanks though.


Dude, you got a hard on for Alabama and total ignorance about the Republic of Chad.

So where's we going for California's Mari Gras parade? They got those things in California, right? You're in die need of a moon pie.

@WonderWartHog99 As for the raw sewage there is a huge difference between accidental spills and purposeful dumping.... Corpses buried in the yard?... Well actually it was his wife....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz If you'd read and understood your source, it says in one rural Alabama county (not the entire state) the locals are prone to install their own household sewage systems without all the engineering expertise of LA that (according to my source) that dumped 60,000 gallons of raw sewage in Huntington Beach, CA.

In a previous century when I lived in California their massive sewage dumping periodically made the news every few years.

To screw things up big time, it takes those high trained California engineers.

After you claimed it's common in Alabama to bury the dead under the poach, you come up with a source that said one guy buried his wife in the front yard. For centuries in America family plots haven't been uncommon. You are referring to one isolated example where the courts haven't made a ruling yet if it was an illegal burial. With one isolated example, you're trying to stereotype an entire state.

Why? I had been talking about a third world country in Africa (Republic of Chad). Chad has absolutely nothing to do with Alabama.

What did they do to you in Alabama? Fed you a possum? Snubbed you because you got all stuck up about yourself?

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