Isn’t that the same postman that is the father of that last kid? (Oh, right, that’s the milkman.)
Milkman home delivery in glass milk bottles died out in the 1950's. Reason:
Prior to that, if you wanted a daily quart of milk it was because you couldn't keep at least two cows.
Therefore if you are the milkman's kid, you're collecting social security.
Because women also deliver mail, the word "postman" is considered sexist and was replaced by the phrase "letter carrier." There is no telling which gender delivers your mail. I used to get my mail direct from a post mistress, who snarled over the term "mistress." She was married.
Conclusion: you've aged well.
Thankfully my postman is a female.
Here they rotate the letter carrier's routes so they know all the routes. Therefore I might get whatever gender is available to deliver my mail. Does it work that way for you?
@WonderWartHog99 They bid the routes, so 5 days a week I have the same person,
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.