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Very conflicted

Rudy1962 9 Oct 10
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The Second Amendment should be repealed, because the stated purpose for it is no longer valid. Firearms should only be in the hands of the police and the military. Nobody else should have them.

Wow. You go further than me. I would love to see them fucking AR’s prohibited, and other guns need a license for and being “well regulated”. I was trying to do a play on words there.

The legit reason to own a fire arm is for hunting and target practice allowing them to kill Bambi and wild hogs better. The rest of the reasons for firearm ownership are largely bogus.

@WonderWartHog99 I understand that some people don't mind killing. In my opinion, though, we should be kind to our fellow animals. Live and let live.

@BestWithoutGods When the white people showed up, they killed anything that would kill their cattle. As a result, when Bambi isn't hunted they overpopulate and starve to death. What's better: blow Bambi's head off or watch his herd die a slow death by starvation?

Likewise, if you don't kill the game pigeons, they'll eat the corn field.

There are hunting limits that are observed by registered hunters, lest they get fined by the game warden.

@WonderWartHog99 Use whatever excuse you can find. That is your privilege. Still, I remain a vegetarian. I do not kill or eat my fellow animals, and my conscience is clean on that account.

And by what facts and logic do you arrive at that conclusion, that it is no longer valid? Did you know that EVERY dictator disarmed the population just before committing mass murder of them? Hitler did it, Pol Pot did it, Mao did it, Stalin did it, need I go on?
If you're really so against private gun ownership, put a big sign in your front yard to tell everyone that yours is a gun free home. And if you love open borders, take the doors off of your house.

@Logician > Did you know that EVERY dictator disarmed the population just before committing mass murder of them? Hitler did it . . . .

  1. Did you read my reply?

In it I was justifying the NEED for hunters to have guns with restrictions, i.e. following gun license, game laws, etc. On the other hand, gun nut advocate weapons of mass destruction for all psycho gun freaks. The gun nuts like giving the US the #1 spot in mass murder.

We're number one!" Shooting up schools, stores and public gathering is on the news weekly if not daily. Way to go, NRA!

You don't need dictators for mass murder. Just give everybody unrestricted access to ever type of gun, as many as they can afford. That's what has happened in the United States and why we lead the world in private gun massacres. I want a air craft destroyer group. A tank would do.

  1. Have you read history?

If you had, you would know Hitler encouraged private gun ownership for the general population. Under fascism, almost everyone including children and the elderly are members of the military and therefor need guns in their homes. The current Swiss government, with lots of restrictions, believes the same thing. All able bodies are part of the Swiss military with a ton of government restriction has a gun. Granted nobody considers the Swiss a dictatorship.

Your reply is ill informed at best. Gun control is a complex issue, not a knee jerk reaction.

@Logician The Second Amendment states that citizens should own guns because they may need to form militias for the defense of the country. We no longer need militias because we have standing armies. The military supplies the weapons. People do not bring their own firearms into the military.

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