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Happy Genocidal Italian piece of shit day....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Oct 10
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My standard greeting for the day is Happy Native American genocide day.

glennlab Level 10 Oct 11, 2019

I use that one for Thanksgiving....


In my county, Hays County, Texas; they don't recognize Columbus Day. It is celebrated as Indigenous Peoples Day.

Sticks48 Level 9 Oct 10, 2019

Kind of hoping Bernie gets elected he has in the past supported changing Columbus day to Indigenous Peoples Day on a national level.... As you can tell from the post I do as well. Why the fuck does this country celebrate a guy who got lost and "discovered" San Salvador then torture and murder the inhabitants for not being able to bring him their weight in gold?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Why do we have trump for our President. There is an overwhelming amount of stupid in this country. Between the greedy and the stupid, I really believe this country is in real trouble.

@Sticks48 We have him because the DNC was more interested in keeping their billionaire donors happy than supporting the voters they depend on to get elected to office....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Pissed off Sanders people said watch this fuck me. Those Sanders folks didn't vote or voted for trump are as much to blame as trump's base. That was nothing but childish. Clinton won by three million votes. A stupid system and millions of stupid people put trump in office. No one prevented people from voting for Sanders in the primaries. The angry old man crap doesn't sell well with most people. If you look at past elections that pretty much holds true. Presentation, presentation, presentation.

@Sticks48 Stop blaming the wrong people... Many of them had had their votes thrown out or party affiliations illegally changed or in the case of New York been told they were purged from the voter rolls or a last minute rule change had made them ineligible to vote in the primaries... It wasn't "Sanders voters" it was the swing states Hillary ignored while kissing Wall Street ass to raise money and those swing voters said fuck you back because Trump made them promises he never intended to keep... You want real betrayal?... Hillary's PUMAs voted for McCai8n because they were upset a Black guy beat her in the primaries....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I know for a fact many Sanders people did not vote out of protest and some did vote for trump. There is no excuse for that. She did mess up by not going to certain states and that was probably her handlers as they tend to fuck up a lot of candidates in the past. Because someone doesn't come to your state is also another childish reason to not vote for someone. I have never cared if a candidate comes to my state or not. I don't base my vote on their visit. I don't base my vote on whether I like them. I am not spending Christmas and Thanksgiving with them. Americans are basically ignorant, childish motherfuckers. For all of those people who voted for trump who are losing their farms or businesses, I don't care. Anyone too stupid, or too lazy to figure out what kind of person trump was from the day he declared he was running deserve what they get. Elections have consequences. The Supreme Court was the biggest reason to vote for whomever the Democrats nominee was. Stupid fucking people.

@Sticks48 You "know" that because that is one of many excuses that the DNC and Hillary have been using to pin the blame for their own criminality elsewhere.... People like me voted Green party hoping to get them matching funds. I am NOT a Democrat and haven't been one since the Clinton corporatist take over....

@Sticks48 @Sticks48 Stupid fucking people are the people who keep doing the same stupid shit and hoping it will make things better....
"Diehard Hillary Clinton supporters who still refuse to accept that the nomination race is over have given themselves a name, Pumas, and a logo that the in-house lawyers at the Puma sportswear brand might like to take a look at. In the network of blogs where the name originated, it stood for "Party Unity, My Ass!" - a defiant shout of opposition to the notion that they should fall silent in order to speed the healing of Democratic wounds. Now that the Pumas have formed their own fundraising committee, however, they seem to have had a change of heart. According to their site,, Puma stands for "People United Means Action", an exactly opposite sentiment, prompting the thought that if they don't iron out such inconsistencies in their message very soon indeed, there's a serious chance that Clinton might not be the next president."

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I know because all of the voting info is in the computers, age, gender, upscale folks, poor folks, it is all there and they report it after every election. It doesn't come from the DNC. Corporate America is not going away anytime soon. All you can do is regulate it. We don't really do that anymore. Get the big money out of politics, and things will start to change. Until that happens we are screwed period. The stupid people are the people who don't vote., and then bitch about it. When they complain there is no difference in the two parties, that is as ignorant a statement as a person can make. I have house plants smarter than that. Tell me we wouldn't be better off without a 5 to 4 Conservative leaning Supreme Court. That carries way more weight than whether Clinton or Sanders were President. Capitalism is here to stay. I am all for a Social Democracy which includes Capitalism, which means corporations. Do they need to be regulated? Of course they do, and when those regulations were in place they worked very well. Don't talk about Clinton people not letting go, when th Sanders people can't let go either. Sanders will not get the nod again. His recent heart problem is not going to help. Also when you keep claiming to be a socialist it scares too many people. They think of Communism and it scares them. You and I might know there is a huge difference, but millions of Boomers still carry that fear with them, and it turns them away from Sanders. My fear is if Sanders doesn't get the nod his base will get all pissy again and fuck it up again. There is only one really important thing at this juncture and that is no more trump. Four more years of trump and we may never recover. I don't care who the Dems nominate, I like all of them just fine, they will get my vote. Voting for the Green Party is pissing in the wind. If that dip shit Nader had not let his ego get in the way and dropped out, Bush would never have won and we would be in a much different world today. I hope all of those never going to win little piss ant parties stay out of it this time.


Columbus might have been Italian, but he was financed by the Spanish papists.
The Spanish committed most of the genocide of indigenous people in this hemisphere.
Until the English came along, of course.
And they both did it ALL in the name of their "god".

KKGator Level 9 Oct 10, 2019

Where did that come from?

OldGoat43 Level 9 Oct 10, 2019

My Facebook page 2 years ago....


Well now!

brentan Level 8 Oct 10, 2019
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