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Christians often equate atheism with satanism, but atheists don't believe in a Satan either, so are Christians genuinely unaware that Satanism is a Christian offshoot, or is it just denial that such a pernicious ideology is of their own making?

FSMGirl 5 Nov 4
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Livinlife Level 9 Nov 5, 2019

Have pity on the Christian. They're naive traditionalists...not well educated. Most mean well, but are weak. Their women condescend to whatever their "manly men" tell them....they're often raped...and bear the children whether planned for or not.

Perhaps it will help you if you watch the video "Religulous".

I saw Religulous and loved it. But that was when it first came out so I should probably see it again.

Christians actually have the highest rates of abortion. So much for abstinence education.


I'd vote for " it just denial that such a pernicious ideology is of their own making."


Most are just that ignorant. My family told me I would go to hell because I'm atheist. I laughed. Why would I believe in hell when I don't believe in heaven/ They had no answer 😉

freeofgod Level 8 Nov 4, 2019

They don't understand their religion, why should they understand our beliefs?

glennlab Level 10 Nov 4, 2019

Maybe they would justify it by saying 'he who is not for me is against me'.

brentan Level 8 Nov 4, 2019

Christian offshoot

bobwjr Level 10 Nov 4, 2019

I don't expect Christains (misspelling intended) to make any sense.


I met one person recently that I didn’t have to explain this to! I was so amazed that they actually understood what an atheist was.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

You are 100% correct, it is most definitely another example of christian denial.
They're in denial about a whole lot of things. Reality, in particular.

I love explaining to believers that atheists don't believe in satan either.
It kind of blows their minds a little. LOL

KKGator Level 9 Nov 4, 2019
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