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Why is it always Florida?

OldMetalHead 9 Nov 8
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I just returned from Key West via Fort Lauderdale on Wednesday and I cut my visit short by 3 days . The 45 mile drive on I 95 was a parking lot that I was almost rammed side swiped or Intentionally forced out of my lane . Motel was $200.00 and a drunk dude screamed every 5 minutes from 11pm to 3am and then the A/C quit working and at 7am the housekeeping staff started trying to clean rooms . I had to get out of this Fucked Up State before I was killed or Broke or both . If I Never see Florida again, I shall die a happy man . I am now sick from a killer cold that I got from a plane load of every other person hacking and coughing .

GEGR Level 7 Nov 9, 2019

If you're ready for funny/funky Florida; two authors come to mind;

Carl Hiaasen and Dave Barry.






Too much sun exposure.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 8, 2019

The sunshine law makes it easy for reporters to access any arrest file in Florida. The rest of the country is just as bad, but they do not have a law like the sunshine law that makes any arrest available to anyone to access. They give us good laughs and memes, so they will keep coming.

noworry28 Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

I've been living here now for a year and a half. I'm a graphic designer for a travel marketing company in Sarasota so I'm kinda in a liberal/stable bubble. Not too many right wing, tinfoil hat, crazy acting maniacs in the groups I spend my time in. But yes, I look around and I see people and think "Yeah, that's a future 'Florida Man' story, just waiting to happen."

Looked it up and found this assessment. Makes sense.


JustChris Level 6 Nov 8, 2019

The redneck holding the beer ...the incident occurred in Texas. Florida is at least partially off the hook...Texas has its own share of crazy people.


I guess “hold my beer” was just assumed to be in the quotation for the first photo?😉

Haemish1 Level 8 Nov 8, 2019

Jeff Foxworthy, well established redneck expert, says the last words of many a redneck is "Hold my beer. Watch this!"

Jeff did his research outside of Florida however it seems to be a universal redneck law.

A friend of mine stole a Florida state sign warning visitors not to "molest the alligators." A swamp trail at the University of West Florida warns visitors not to molest the snakes. At the Balsam Mountain campgrounds in North Carolina they have a sign warning visitors not molest the bears.

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