5 13

I'm not convinced any are "good" but I suppose it's all relative...

scurry 9 Nov 14
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MMmmmm.... BBQ



@Lizard_of_Ahaz I like the one from the virgin(?) mary, but the second one about what your kids can learn without god is especially good.



That last one is hilarious.

...especially the "ETC"

Actually, that one is pretty accurate for some churches


Chaotic Evil = Keep out, only newborn infants or rich liars accepted here.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Nov 14, 2019

Actually I recognize some of my relatives in there too

BudFrank Level 8 Nov 14, 2019

That lawful neutral sign reminds me of this in Proverbs 25: 21, 22
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat, and if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. For in so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you.

brentan Level 8 Nov 14, 2019

That's lovely and kind and ... Woah!!!
That took a turn!!

@scurry In that last one, it refers to an era when starting a fire was hard work. Therefore if you put coals in a special basket from your neighbor who had been keeping his home fire burning, he'd saving you a major problem.

I forget the details now, but I do remember an African infantry study done to find out the most efficient way for an individual to carry something heavy was to put it on their head. They decided not to use that approach but hey . . . .

Outside of that context, it sounds like they plan to burn you alive.

@scurry The explanation given when I was a Jehovah's Witness was that the person was behaving coldly towards you so you would warm up his affections a little (well, a lot!) by heaping coals on his head.

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