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And they wonder why I spell it Moron....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Nov 15
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According to this, Jesus also had a mullet.

Livinlife Level 9 Nov 15, 2019

Don't forget his light-saber and space ship....

Lol that didn't escape my attention. Funny post

@Livinlife These guys believe all kinds of weird ass shit... Have you ever read the Book of Moron?.... You have to be on some kind of weird ass drug to believe that crap.


I am picking myself up from the floor after falling off my chair laughing. I live in Mormonville, AZ (Mesa) (actually the whole state was intended to be part of one great big state which included Utah but I digress). I have had many conversations with their missionaries and am always amazed at their lack of street smart. Lovely people, but boring.

I love telling them the truth about Joe Smith the guy who spent the first part of his life conning his neighbors out of money using a "Gold Witching" scheme.... Similar to water witching but you plant a small amount of fake gold and "find it" using a couple of sticks then tell them to dig there and charge them money for that "service".... Brigham Young had as many as 42 arrests before starting the Moron cult from what I understand... Just a pair of conmen who finally hit the bigtime...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You realize it is the fastest growing christian cult, world-wide?

@SiouxcitySue That is what they would have you believe but it is bullshit based on their taking down names in cemeteries and baptizing the dead into their cult....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Just because they baptize a name doesn't make the person who owns that name a member. When my first husband worked at Motorola in Scottsdale and we lived in Mesa (1963) one of his co-workers was baptized for the whole QC department, including wives (me) and so far as I know this was just in case any future progeny might want to join. Even if it isn't the fastest growing cult, is IS growing and most other protestant cults are shrinking.

@SiouxcitySue Shrinking.... Largely due to their inability to adapt ...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz And to their ability to have large families.

@SiouxcitySue Actually that has been dropping as well. Statistics are showing 1.7 kids per Mormon family these days when it used to be an average of 5....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Where I spend the summer, White Mountains of AZ, the mormons settled in over 100 years ago and they are still building 5 bedroom homes, not spec, all over the mountains.

@SiouxcitySue Over most of the world the US included and even in the center of it all (Saltlake city) they are declining. The church's antiGay and anti civil rights stances are turning their own members away from them. A few years back they had thousands of people publicly withdraw their membership because of it. Most of this is because people are starting to see them as a political movement instead of a religious one and it is too conservative for the modern age....


And you even spelled Moron wrong!

Robecology Level 9 Nov 15, 2019

No they did I used the correct spelling....


Further proof that too many believers are just fucking stupid.

KKGator Level 9 Nov 15, 2019

Robert Heinlein used to say "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity...." and "Nobody ever went broke underestimating people's gullibility..."

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