Thanks to all for sharing their perception. I do not believe it was racist personally, however, anyone at anytime could take offense to anything that someone posts. Often the post may not have had that intent to offend as one may take it because each of our perceptions are unique. To me...the cat in the oven is just funny..not because of china folks or because I like to eat cats....just because it's twisted. To those who offend easily....I offer these words of wisdom to consider...
There is a tinge of sarcasm mixed with the underlying message that my culture is superior to yours. I get the fact that in western culture dogs and cats are exalted because they seem to share qualities similar to us, but this is or can be a form of speceism.
For example in some Indian culture, the cow is revered. What if you saw an Indian person post a similar post but with a cow and direct to Americans, specifically white Americans.
I would like to end this discussion by saying it is hard being any race these days because of history. Due to the white man's history of perpetuated racial superiority, anything with a hint of it is going to be perceived as such.
I didn’t see a problem with it, but you bring up very good points.
When every year they steal people's pets for the Yulan dog festival?.... I would hardly call it racist more of an outing of unnecessary cruelty.... Unfortunately many Asian cultures do much the same thing even Koreans and Vietnamese... We had a real problem here in California with them right after the war ended because they were setting snares and hunting people's pets... It took a long time to get a lot of the less educated ones to understand this was NOT acceptable behaviour in this country. Still from time to time you find underground meat markets that traffic in cats and dogs.
Nothing racist about it. Many Asian cultures eat both dogs and cats. If Micheal Vick would've had some Asians working for him, he likely wouldn't have gotten caught because any dog he had killed would've not been buried, the Asians would have eaten it.
I see no racism there. It's just what they do!
I don't find it racist, I thought it was funny, I have it saved on my phone!
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