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Being a vegan is tough

joeymf86 8 Dec 24
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That's like an omnivore eating his own arm. LOL. The meme is funny, but inaccurate. I admire my vegan friends. I went through a vegan phase, but then became just a vegetarian, because it's hard to eat at a restaurant or a friend's house when you can't eat anything with milk or eggs in it. I was never dismayed by my own muscles. And, as far as I know, none of my vegan friends are disgusted at their own muscles either.

As a vegan I find it funny. The absurdity of this happening and reaction of the person is hilarious.

@joeymf86 Good for you. However, I know that some people go all out to mock vegans and vegetarians. It's hard to say if this meme was made from real humor, or as an effort to attack veganism. ???

@BestWithoutGods Humor is subjective. How you approach a meme determines if you find it funny or are offended by it. Even if something is made with ill-intent, the people it is portraying can still find it funny. Turn someone else's weapon into humor. I choose to find this funny. How you view is is up to you. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


for many it just melts off naturally due to poor diet and self imposed starvation

A vegan diet can be very healthy and satisfying. 🙂

@BestWithoutGods Healthy if you don't mind the frequent thunder farts and bowel movements.

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