7 11

I'll drink to that....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Jan 10
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Or probably forced to get real, that happened more than 150 years ago...

Merseyman1 Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

Those damned Confederate flags make me want to ... uh oh, here it comes ... 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮


Here in Tennessee, I often see Confederate flags. I salute them with my middle finger. What are such idiots doing? Do they want to start another civil war and bring back slavery!? Shuck that Fit.


Save your confederate money. THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN.

This time we're taking the rust belt industries.

Not for long though you are now losing again...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You have been misinformed.

The Klan has been in steady decline since 1920. Today they are a small and insignificant percentage of the population of Dixie. They no longer number in the millions. A typical clan rally may be as small as five people. The Klan is heavily fragmented.

You cite the Klan as part of Dixie because like the Klan, you thrive to claim you're better than those people.

@WonderWartHog99 According to the FBI Klan activity has been on the rise again lately along with White Supremacist terrorism in the US...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Without a source to back you up, I'd take a wild guess the rise in the Klan is in Oakland, California.

Another source says the Klan is in decline.

"While many groups are adding members, the SPLC [Southern Poverty Law Center] found one of the best known hate groups, the Ku Klux Klan, appears to be in decline. The group, despite a history that stretches back more than a century, has been marked by infighting and difficulty connecting to a younger generation.

"The KKK has not been able to appeal to younger racists, with its antiquated traditions, odd dress and lack of digital savvy. Younger extremists prefer ... polo shirts and khakis to Klan robes," the report says.


You lose... FYI USA Today is owned by Fox News....




@Lizard_of_Ahaz Once more, you're wrong.

A industry source ( says USA Today is owned by USA Today is owned by the Gannett Company, headquartered in McLean, Virginia . . .in 2016, USA Today published an editorial urging readers not to vote for Donald Trump. . . [their] Editorial Board responded by writing: “A president who’d all but call a senator a whore is unfit to clean toilets in Obama’s presidential library or to shine George W. Bush’s shoes.”

Then you cited my source (USA Today) which still says the Klan is in decline.

The BBC source quotes an unknown Klan member who said the Klan was growing. Not a reliable source to quote the Klan itself.

NPR includes the Klan in an outbreak of racist hate groups primarily in the northern US.

Vox source doesn't specifically cover the Klan. Like NPR it lumps them in with other hate groups.

You sound like you're grasping for straws.


The Ignorance is Thick .

GEGR Level 7 Jan 11, 2020

To the British, you're the traitor.

One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.


@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yea, the army: kill people who can shoot back in large numbers.

The word "pussy" does not apply here. I tend to think of Picken's charge where his entire division was killed because he told them to charge into an ambush. He isn't the only general that has done that.

The guiding reason people get automatic weapons is it feels good to waste a lot of bullets in a short time. Movie producers say when it calls for the extras with automatic weapons to fire them off, they'll discharge the entire magazine every time.

If you want an expensive thrill, go down to the gun range and rent an automatic weapon.

This falls in my overflowing category of amazingly stupid things to do.

@WonderWartHog99 And they wonder why they live in a rusty trailer....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz You're in dire need of a tour of Hilton Head Island and my favorite, the Biltmore Place. Dixie has more than it's share of country clubs and gated communities.

Truth be told, you're in love with stereotypes and the Redneck Comedy Tour.

@WonderWartHog99 I was stationed in NC and Tenn while in Uncle Sam's Mouldy Crotch and both states sucked... While there are a few nice places in the South most of it is mired in ignorance and poverty....
For a good example....


@Lizard_of_Ahaz >While there are a few nice places in the South most of it is mired in ignorance and poverty....

For example Flint, Michigan, Detroit and south Chicago? Wait, wait, let's go to Clearlake, California where the poverty rate is 36 percent.

By the way, we're so ill educated America's space program is in Dixie. When there's serious problems in outer space it's never "Hello, San Francisco. We got a problem." Huntsville, AL, is where they built the space rockets. Figure the place is loaded with numb nuts?

Don't be so smug. "New data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s supplemental poverty measure shows roughly 7.5 million Californians — about 19 percent of the state population — live in poverty . . . The poverty rate is 14 percent for the U.S."

Source: []

@WonderWartHog99 Look where most of those people you are talking about were educated....Also funny you should mention Clearlake.... Which FYI leans heavily towards the Republican party and went massively for Trump.... Kind of like Fresno on steroids...
Also do you even know WHY the space programs was based in the deep south during it's start up?... It has to do with being closer to the equator... Today the only real activity is taking place at Vandenberg CA.... You heard of Space-X right?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >... It has to do with being closer to the equator...

Under that logic, they ought to be blasting off in San Diego. The rockets could be built in New Mexico or Oregon.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz >Look where most of those people you are talking about were educated....

So, what you got against Flint, Michigan, Detroit and south Chicago? They forgot to move south?

>...Also funny you should mention Clearlake.... Which FYI leans heavily towards the Republican party and went massively for Trump....

Yea, they forgot to move to Atlanta and stayed in California. I went on to point out California has a higher rate of poverty than most of the county. Sounds like you're running in an ill founded grudge against the south east US.

@WonderWartHog99 Never read a map did you or studied the history of Rocketry and computers?... I have...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Now for some wild ranging assumptions:

>Never read a map did you or studied the history of Rocketry and computers?

Moi? Of course I've read maps. Why I even know where Dixie is although I have begun to wonder if you know. I passed a course on marine navigation and can walk rulers (an inside joke for those at sea).

I've had a causal study of rocketry but I've never seen it offered as a course in college. As per computers, I have an extensive number of college courses in both computer hardware and software. I promise not to start snickering about the names of logic circuits (i.e. bistable multivibrator circuit). There's been a few times I've had to fix computers and write new applications in various computer languages.

God save us all from writing COBOL.

>... I have...

Isn't that special? Let me pass you this gold star sticker you can put on your college transcripts.

I suspect during your time in the military, you failed to appreciate that most bases are in the low rent district because it's cheaper to acquire land there. There's no such thing as the Beverly Hills Air Force Base. During your hitch after a few hundred trips through funky town, you assumed the south is that way EVERYWHERE.


I'd be SO good with that.

KKGator Level 9 Jan 11, 2020

But but but but they're white!

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 11, 2020


The ruling class of years gone bye.

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