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Zuckerberg be like... Part 2.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 28
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There are some people I may want to beat, but a random waiter that you can bully with money!!! Why would one even want to do that?????

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 28, 2018

So wait. This is for real? This actually happened?


Perhaps I have got it wrong or maybe I got right but it seems that those with money, those who can afford the biggest law firms, are acquitted in legal proceedings, even though all the evidence points to their guilt? Some may be as guilty as a puppy dog standing beside a pile of pooh.

ASTRALMAX Level 8 Mar 28, 2018

Anyone in a position of power tends to win in any sort of dispute. We are so far removed from actual justice in our justice systems, it's awful.

@Blindbird True.


Look what money can buy - cheating to win.


I was aware Musk had some kind of issue with Zukerberg; now I know why. Assholes come in all sizes. Unfortunately, many are CEOs.

Musk isn't one, AFAIK, quite the opposite. I saw him in an interview when he learned about the power grid being down in Puerto Rico after the hurricaine. His eyes became glassy with tears, and he said, "We will have to do better." Shortly thereafter, I heard Tesla was installing power systems there in critical areas like hospitals.

EdEarl Level 8 Mar 28, 2018
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