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That's Horrible. Where?

OldMetalHead 9 Feb 9
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There's women I'd pay to be "with" and there's women who'd have to pay me.

I've seen the blanket offer of "prostitutes" in Nevada. No thanks. Been there...didn't do that.


Robecology Level 9 Feb 10, 2020

No, thanks.


Major detail, according to the source 😘.$5,000 up front x 30 = $150,000 being trousered by a brand new company with a brand new website. Unnamed island, no guarantee that the young ladies aren't Anne Widdecombe's sisters, no ABTA, no ATOL guarantee, probably run by coked up crazed Columbian gangsters, best of luck complaining to Carlos or Pablo once you get there! This "offer" is the virtual definition of "buyer beware". *"

For about $10,000 I think I could find a two or three hookers working in rotating shifts, a suitable amount of drugs and rent out a boat with a captain and Gilligan for three days at sea.


They say it's in Columbia.


I'll just pass on the cocaine but I need the name of the resort!

I think it'd be less expensive to visit a beach side resort in Jamaica. Both drug vendors and hookers parade on the beach and hotel owners are tolerant for you bringing both in the room. You can also order drinks surf side while you wait for the attractive hookers to wander by.

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