3 11

Wait....but I love Metal music too!

MichelleGar1 9 Feb 16
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I don't care what ignorant people think of me. I will follow truth and knowledge. 🙂

but is your truth valid? []

@MsDemeanour Thanks for the video link. I watched it and agree with it. As for religion, I have expended years of effort applying the scientific method to it. I have studied it deeply and discovered that the Bible is full of false prophecies, contradictions, and other indications that it is not true. My efforts have led to a scientific understanding that religion is false. It is a scam based on mythology. Religion is a prime example of what the video illuminates. People believe in religions because they hear the same things repeatedly, and are told that blind faith is good, and that research is evil. I base my truth on facts and evidence, not on blind faith or repetition.


It works both ways tho. I take one look at Barbie on the left and think......"born again wacko"


Ain't it the truth.

EricJones Level 8 Feb 16, 2020

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