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Cactits ( . )( . )

joeymf86 8 Feb 19
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I see a penis

Perspectives. I see tities. We see what we like and desire 😂


I love nature. The rolling hills remind me of the curves of the female body. Lovely.


Looks like balls with an erect penis, I don't see tits! Lol

Balls between the out reached shoulders? Are you from my home planet, Mongo? Hug me gently.

I was paying more attention to the trail on the next hill over, something absolutely nobody is paying the slightest attention to. It appears to stop in the middle of nowhere, bringing back memories of the times I've gotten seriously lost. There's a trail map I consulted where the trail forks to either the tallest waterfall in South Carolina (see: [] or eight miles into the middle of the woods. Why anyone would want to hike eight miles into middle of the woods and double back still eludes me. Just because the trail goes there?

Oh well. Memories of a guy who's done too much hiking in parts not well known. (Don't forget to visit my site, "Camping for adults in Dixie (no children)"} I could amble on about it but people would rather yatter on about suggestively formed cactus covered in thorny pricks.

That's what I see too but with wings as well lol

@Cutiebeauty That's what I'm seeing! Lol

@WonderWartHog99 Just seeing it my way hongo, no reason to get your panties in a wad! Patting you on the head to calm you down! Don't forget to wear your helmet next time, so you don't hurt your soft head! Lol!!!

I love hiking! It's beautiful scenery but the older I get the harder it is but what a view when you get to the destination!

I'll check out your site! I like camping too! Thanks for the hug! Lol

@MichelleGar1 I always wad panties once they're off the dryer/clothesline. I refuse to fold them. Panties in a wad is a grand tradition of mine. They're not my panties but rather an unrelated tradition of women who sexually ravish me if I'll do their wash. Some gals will do anything rather than hang out in a laundromat.

They never mention that in high school sex ed.

BTW, I enjoy camping/hiking in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The hardwoods produce so much hydrocarbons they turn the horizon blue, long before white people showed up. (See photos below). You go camping in a recreational vehicle (RV)?

@WonderWartHog99 Most of us women love when men do laundry! I hate hanging out at laundromats myself, very boring place! Lol!!!

The last hike I went to was in Front Royal, VA. a trail called Dickey's Ridge. It was beautiful! When we got to the top the view was beautiful but freezing, the wind was whipping through my clothes!

I plan on going again this summer, that's where @metalhead222 lives, in Winchester, VA., I see what I believe is part of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I love the views and all the rivers around the area!

I see tities and two arms on the side. I like tities and I see what I desire. Personal perspective. 😂😂

@noworry28 I still see an erect penis and two balls! I like penis, so yeah it's based on what we like! Lol



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 19, 2020

Had a cact-lift I see...

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