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today is one of them

TheoryNumber3 8 Mar 6
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Every day .

GEGR Level 7 Mar 8, 2020

Don't underestimate the versatility of some curse words. Don't be afraid to use, reuse, or invent new ways to use cuss words... for the love of fuck!

scurry Level 9 Mar 7, 2020

One of my favorite repurposed cusses is "I have no more fucks left to give"


21 Forgotten curse words we need to bring back. Pay particular attention to #6


OMG ... written just like click bait. 🙂

Luckily, I am not a Rantallion. I am a mosquito-buggerer.

@AtheistInNC Want to borrow my tweezers?


Therefore be evil and resort to adverbs and adjectives, you pitiful slut puppy of the meadow muffin eating clan; you sniveling snit, you worthless twit . . . .

Hey, what's a bachelor's degree in English good for?

Watch this space for someone asking "What's a 'meadow muffin'?"

You think that's the first time I've heard the words "pitiful slut"? 😈
Meadow Muffin... a/k/a cow pattie?

@TheoryNumber3 A meadow muffin is sun baked and crusty cow patty which can be used as fuel. On the other hand, a cow patty is still in it's soupy near liquid state.

Because I keep a manure pile for my garden, I know shit. 💩

I've heard the words "pitiful slut"?

That's the one who has done it often but has to beg to get some action EVERY TIME.

@WonderWartHog99 My first poop emoji. Thank you. You DO know shit. 🙂

@TheoryNumber3 I was the first time I've ever used my poop emoji.

In Texas they have contests over who can throw bovine excrement the furthest. The local television stations have coverage of the contests in the evening broadcast. The winners drone on about shaping the "cow events" to go further without breaking up, the desired moisture content . . . 💩

While they call the contest "buffalo chip toss offs" it's rarely buffalo dung. One guy bought a herd of buffalo to make it historically correct for his contest.

Why I know too much how discuss shit in polite terms.

@WonderWartHog99 My education in the excremental scienced is now complete. Would that degree be a B. S.?

@TheoryNumber3 Wait, wait! You haven't started your courses on different animal types of animal dropping, i.e. horse vs chicken and if zoo doo is worth the trip?


Me too lol

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