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For the anglophiles ...

Philip21 8 Aug 11
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Four hours barely gets the car warmed up. That's a round trip to the city for errands .
During the 55 mph years, it took the average person ( read that non Texan) 3 days to cross Texas

wolf041 Level 7 Aug 12, 2020

We had a station (ranch) bigger than Texas, called victoria river downs.😅😅

@Cyklone not surprising in a place with road trains.

@Cyklone .... and no speed limit!

@Cyklone Reminds me of the Glaswegian visiting Texas. Texas rancher, " I can drive all day and not reach the edge of my property" Glaswegian "Know what you mean, I had a car like that once "

@Moravian old one, but a good one


Aussie, you drive for hours, you see no other sign of humanity and you're still in the back end of nowhere.

Cyklone Level 7 Aug 11, 2020

Don't disillusion those unfortunate Texans. They're still traumatised after discovering that Alaska is substamtially more than twice their size.
They would be heartbroken to realise that apart from the island of Tasmania, every single state in Oz is far larger than Texas.

@Petter Well, truth be told, the US doesn't cover the whole continent, either. Oz does.

@Petter that's been a running joke in Alaska for years. They would break it in half but Texans wouldn't be able to handle having the third largest state .

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