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Because every day it's not making sense.

Nickbeee 8 Apr 14
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It doesnt, does it

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 14, 2018

It's a proper lot of old nonsense. Some rich people will make a lot of money from selling arms though! That much is a fact.

I want to go to the woods far away from people and have a nice cup of tea.

@Nickbeee I've had similar thoughts. Just look around and say screw you guys I'm out.

@Livinlife LOL 🙂


I think the civil war there all boils down to Sunni v. Shia. Like when I visited Northern Ireland in 1969 as a kid, Prods v Catholic. As Hitch said from time to time “The parties of God are at it again” and of course, the ever crazy Joe Walsh “You can’t argue with a sick mind” Religion really does poison everything. Any Syrians who would rather live in peace there without religion don’t stand a chance against that oppression

Markus Level 7 Apr 14, 2018

Totally dude... Last night I was watching some on the ground footage off possibly Abby Martin's Mint Press ... Could also have been "Canary" Press or "Off Guardian" .. They are all good sources..

In the footage was a Shia woman deeply distrustful of a Sunni woman based on the fact the Sunni people had sides with certain factions in the Middle East & Shia have factions with others .. Obviously those links are both on opposing sides and it all goes back to christian muslim if you dig far enough in a way.. Not directly but there is influence. Deep.

Definitely those two groups though on the ground there and in Afghanistan .. in a lot of other places too!!!

I think you would have to move to get away from religion ultimately there or become an activist.. You would be forced to fight for your views.

Shias believe that Muhammad’s cousin, Ali, is the prophet’s successor. Sunnis don’t. Sadly ridiculous and seen as an offense for which killing is mandated by Allah.

@Markus And the woman in the dialogue I was hearing on the ground was saying Sunni peoples tend to side towards Jewish aid and support! So it gets super complex yup!!!

@Nickbeee the cross sectional alliances are mind boggling. USA and Saudis back the Sunnis. Russia and Iran back the Shia and Assad’s regime as far as I can tell.

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