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I suppose that if your only concept of reality comes from superstitious beliefs and religious dogma, you can only imagine that the rest of the world comes to conclusions the same way that you do.
Then there's the rest of us, just looking at you loonie tunes and shaking our heads.

SnowyOwl 8 June 8
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ha, if only, huh

bbyrd009 Level 7 June 9, 2021

This simple misunderstanding is why young Earth Creationist continue to think the academic world simply has a different opinion then they do.

Pay attention!

Albert Einstein hated Quantum Mechanics, and so did most of the scientist of his era.
Their consensus wasn't based on opinions or the science of Quantum Mechanics wouldn't exist today.

Opinions aren't the reason Intelligent design is discounted, it is as always the complete and utter lack of any good evidence of any kind that dooms such claims.

Come on, just “teach the ‘controversy!’” 😉

@p-nullifidian There's no controversy, "the controversy" conservatives speak of is just a self serving method of passive aggressive argument that isn't honest or effective except on weak minds prone to magical or possibly narcissistic thinking.

@Willow_Wisp I apologize for the sarcasm, but my silly quote of a creationist / intelligent design meme that was popular some years ago was made in jest! Peace.

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