6 13

Just random.

SeaGreenEyez 9 July 24
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What the hell, he did what you asked. He was just not smart enough to ask how you wanted the slices to look.


Number one is crazy I have no idea how you cut it that perfectly.

Budgie Level 8 July 24, 2021

Musta used one sharp knife!!

@silverotter11 or a table saw..😳😬

@Charlene LMAO!!!

@silverotter11, a food slicer.

@mcgeo52 But surely the avocado would go all mushy?

@Budgie, not until after you slice it if it is green enough which, to get slices this thin, this one obviously was.

@mcgeo52 If it was that firm it would not be ripe enough for me 🙂.

@silverotter11, when it's that firm it's not ripe enough for anyone.


Good enough takes a lot of pressure off as opposed to achieving excellence.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 24, 2021

Makes taking the pit out easier..I guess..😳😂

Charlene Level 9 July 24, 2021

Everyone is crazy. Everyone. It's just more obvious in some.

jeshuey Level 8 July 24, 2021

A crazy person with a really sharp knife!

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