Wow. I received a notification that Eric Trommater just joined this group. I'm glad to hear that. SMDH
Time to party... the Eric troublmaker is back..
I pushed the wrong button....
And leave it to me to point it out
@Rudy1962. @EricTrommater lmfao
You have a habit of doing that with all of us from time to time!!!
@Rudy1962 Yeah, subtle you ain't!
ya scared us there for a minute.. leave that fucking button alone.
@mistymoon77 lol. Almost as nerve wracking as thinking of Trump with the button to the nukes
I did the same thing Sunday. I had a definite WTF moment?
Oh shit not the Eric Trommater Cloning program I thought it was disbanded.
Will the world survive multiple Erics? I guess we'll find out!
@Blindbird Imagine!!! what a trip lol ...
@Blindbird We'd never run out of memes!
Wondered where the boss got off to.
He tried to escape. I'm glad someone rounded him up. You can check out but you can never leave.
@Rudy1962 lol. Hotel memefornia
@Blindbird you are on your game today
@Rudy1962 been up all night yelling at people . Gets me going.
@Blindbird sounds like fun
Aaaaaaaaaand once again, that song is now stuck in your head?
@Markus & it's sorta appropriate because Eric just loves him some Eagles!! LMAO!
@phxbillcee fuck the Eagles, man...
@EricTrommater Hah! I knew that'd get ya'! Good morning/afternoon, bro!
@EricTrommater no thanks, they're all yours buddy. Yech
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.