5 12

Good advice.

Tomfoolery33 9 May 8
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It seems as if you have to open the box at least some of the way to see the instructions. Right?

Mofferatu Level 7 May 9, 2018

Looks that way to me. Go figure.

My pizza's forever trapped?

@Emme you beat me to it. Well, I'm always going to be eating the box, if that's the case 🙂

Mmm, chewy ?


Did they start putting that on boxes after we elected Trump?

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 8, 2018


Woo, good one??


Years ago, (yawn) when the dive team and I returned from the pub to the expedition shelter, we took the pot of crabs off the stove and proceed to eat them. While most of us were cracking open claws etc. we heard an almighty crunch. One of our number, Mike Igo, had tried to eat the body of the crab like a pie. Perhaps crabs should have a similar warning printed on them. 😀

Just SMH?

Some people need keepers!

Yes they do. The boil-in bag, true story. The frozen pizza came in a bag in the box...she thought it was a boil-in bag & BOILED THE PIZZA!


You just KNOW someone didn't.

Emme Level 7 May 8, 2018

& if they didn't state this someone would eat the box & sue the company for not printing this instruction!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 8, 2018

That's probably what did go down.?

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