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To wind up as a Hyena dinner, that's gotta suck.

Surfpirate 9 July 15
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Just because we the top predator doesn't mean we are invincible. Eat and sometimes get eaten happens even today.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 15, 2020

And yet predation of humans by other animals has now become exceedingly rare and in fact completely out of balance with the level of predation that humans exact on other species, including our own.

Yep, it's the old lore of the jungle, i.e. Eat or be eaten.

@Surfpirate Of course if one compares one to the other. With our increasing numbers and heavy meat diet we do eat far more animals then visa versa.

@Triphid Red in claw and tooth has no boundaries.

@JackPedigo Well considering that the species of Homo evolved as being Omnivorous then it is only reasonable is it not?
Even our closest simian relatives, genetically speaking, the Chimps are often Omnivorous as many a research has clearly shown, ergo we are not so different as we wish to believe imo.


Ok..we also wound up meals for leopards,lions and any other predator..we still get snatched by Crocs, Gators and Komodo Dragons..

Charlene Level 9 July 15, 2020

Yep, they probably hadn't learned as yet that you don't need to outrun the Predator, just outrun the slowest member of the clan/tribe....LOL.

@Triphid If there is a creature that is going to eat us, all I have to do is outrun my friend. If there are two creatures and two of us then we are either both lunch or both dinner.

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