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Thousands of stolen archaeological artefacts recovered in Israel.
The Israel Antiquities Authority has reported the recovery of thousands of artefacts believed to have been looted from sites across the Middle East, southern Europe, South America, Asia and Africa, following a raid on a flat in Tel Aviv on Monday 4 January 2021. Three people have been arrested following the raid, described as two men in their fifties from Tel Aviv in their sixties, and a man from Holon in his forties. The artefacts were removed from the flat by truck, and are still being inventoried. It is thought that the men arrested were trading in artefacts looted by other people and smuggled into Israel to take advantage of the countries market in such artefacts, with numerous licenced traders in antiquities, something not found in any other country in the region, although none of those arrested was a licenced dealer.

JoeB 6 Jan 11
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I love hearing of this!


When will someone recover Palestine and return it to the rightful owners?

Krish55 Level 8 Jan 11, 2021

HEAR, HEAR, ISRAEL NEVER existed until AFTER 1947 -1948, it IS stolen land.

@Triphid Actually the land was negotiated for and paid for, probably not with the permission of the owners, but there is more to it.

@dalefvictor If it wasn't with the consent of the owners, then it was stolen goods. Read this history by an Israeli historian. There are other Israeli historians who affirm the same: The land was ethnically cleansed by Jewish terror groups like the Irgun and Stern gang. []

@dalefvictor Actually and Historically, Israel was CREATED under the Balfour Accord drawn during the Turkish Expulsion from Palestine, Syria, etc, during W.W.I.
It remained as Palestine until late 1946-7 when the Allies were at odds as what to do with the Jewish peoples released from the Nazi Concentration camps, it was then decided that instead of housing them in the U.S. England, France, etc, it would better to enact the clauses of the Balfour Accord, claim a part of Palestine and hand it over to the Jews, free of charges/recompense from the Palestinians.

@Triphid The Balfour declaration was itself a violation of the International agreements by the League of Nations that created the Palestine Mandate to be administered by Britain for the benefit of the local people there. The Balfour declaration was a unilateral British national declaration that had no force of International law. It therefore created nothing but merely set out the British illegal intention to violate their responsibilities under the Mandate to prepare inhabitants of Palestine for independence. The Balfour declaration that violated British legal responsibilities was thus enacted by force, not law. Check the wording of the Mandate. In Western countries, pro-Israel groups grossly distort that history.

@Krish55 Yes, and no matter which ANYONE chooses to paint it IT IS still stolen land.
The lands now falsely called ISRAEL BELONG to the Palestinian Peoples.


That pictured looks very much like a Grecian Urn from the pre-Unification of Grecian City-States period, possibly mid-late Athenian in origin prior to the Greco-Persian Invasions of Xerses and Darius.

Triphid Level 9 Jan 11, 2021


Mooolah Level 8 Jan 11, 2021

Great news

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 11, 2021
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