After being dropped from their app stores by Google and Apple after the Capital protests, hosting provider Amazon announced yesterday that they will be removing free-speech site Parler from the Internet today alleging violent content.
Parler, a communication platform for many Trump supporters, had grown 10x since the US election to the 216th largest US website as of yesterday.
A Trump supporter may ask: Was this action warranted? Is there a double standard being played out for Trump and BLM/ANTIFA/Biden supporters? Do Big Tech platforms like Google, Amazon, and Apple, with a near-monopoly on online communication, have any obligation to be politically agnostic? How is their control of 99.9% of communication apps different from China's government control of communication and dissent?
Note: I personally respect both sides of the debate regarding this event. In the name of fighting what they see as injustice, it seems like both sides have members who cross the free speech line. It is also natural to see the opposite side as more threatening than ones own.
All our rights have responsibilities. The goal of all the Amendments and Bill of Rights of to preserve the Constitution and the Society. Those things that endanger either is open for discussion in a reasoned and civil, enlightened dialog. Somethings should not be protected or tolerated. Who is to decide? Well in our country its the Supreme Court and that is where the enlightened civil discussion comes in. But as far as FaceBook, Twitter, Tik-Tok, Instagram, Google, or Apple are concerned and they are private businesses and decide their clientele. The Law protects their right to reserve the right to who they serve. The Republs decided that with the Gay Cake suit.
Parler is a poorly developed app. It's works like Twitter but the pages look like Facebook. It's always checking for updates and captcha is annoying. If you try to use just the website it's got an ugly interface. If I follow a sports page, everything breaks down to politics. If I comment on anything, I get these retarded morons screaming and threatening me. I just blocked them all, stopped commenting on the website. If someone followed me, I'd look at their page and of they were Qanon, I block them. I know it's anti-social but I don't need that. All in all Google Play has the right to list whatever apps they like. They take apps down all the time. I still liked Parler and I found they have a large progressive community, or at least not alt-right and Neo-Nazi. I like this page though and Twitter.
Seems like a somewhat new issue. They have held to their terms of service and been relatively neutral, but hate speech and support of violence has risen exponentially. I applaud their action. Regardless of party.
@Admin it certainly would be better if they reported. But there is enough reposts and copies of posts to indicate fire amongst the smoke. That’s why I voted “something else”. Though within their rights as “ Private” companies, they do provide public communication to some extent. Needs to be run through FCA
This has gone far beyond fair and balanced!!!
trump has been removed from Twitter and Facebook for inciting seditious and all out anarchy!
Any group or media which supports seditious anarchy should be censored who give any credence to any form of illegal activities that incite and support any form of domestic terrorism agains us!
For a group of people who incessantly profess to love the USA and claim to be true patriots, they know absolutely fucking nothing about the constitution.
By gleaning information on persons political positions, is Administration taking names. By taking polls, is that a means of collecting data to provide the fascist authorities when their coup succeeds next? The night time knock at the door might be our door. I won't run because there is no safe place from nazi's. One must stand against them as our military did with the Greatest Generation. Am I being paranoid? Not if one studies history.
My position has been crystal-clear for decades, and/or they could show up & ask. At the age of 12 i read 2 things: the quote about "them" coming for everybody while doing nothing, until there was no one to speak for me. And the one about the "triumph of evil".
I have endeavored always to live as if i would rise & speak out if even slightly indicated.
Parler or whomever becomes dangerous when it allows people seriously advocating violence/murder to have a forum. That should be obvious. Violent overthrow of our duly elected government is a close second.
Btw, I guess it's okay for Republicans to REALLY rig the vote (gerrymandering, no or very few polling stations, 'harvesting' ballots, phony ID laws, etc.), then have the nerve to hypocritically and falsely claim fraud.
Sort of like allowing criminals and mentally unstable people to have guns, and then scream 'Second Amendment' when children get gunned down.
But I blame the propagandists, mostly, not the gullible propagandized, for their "divide and conquer" tactics.
(And why use the "agnostic," may I ask? Was that a deliberate slam at some of us? It doesn't even work in context.)
Facebook and other platforms have not done nearly enough to tamp down the proliferation of disinformation. And it's clear that Facebook (Mark Zuckerberg) made a conscious decision to prioritize profits over the good of the country.
Just remember that the pendulum swings both ways.
All they have done is make several people with millions of dollars to invest look at the possibility of 75 million potential customers if they can provide the service(s).
What would your opinion be if the attack of free speech cut this website off???? I’m assuming that the same people cheering the shutdown of free speech would be crying because of the shut down on their free speech.
The votes here really help solidify feelings though.
I look forward to the back swing.
I don't know why I'm bothering, but this site getting shut down by "Big Tech" would not be an infringement of my First Amendment right to free speech.
@JeffMurray you say that now.
@CourtJester Are you joking? You do know that companies can't infringe on your First Amendment rights, right?
@JeffMurray try logging onto Parler.
@CourtJester Wow you're slow.
@JeffMurray but it’s factual
@CourtJester It doesn't matter if you can or can't log on to Parler. If doesn't matter if the "BigTech" companies all stopped hosting. None of that can ever infringe on your First Amendment rights. People and businesses can't infringe on your First Amendment rights, only the government can.
@JeffMurray well; if an open platform is created and built to a global platform of speech, then yes. It can infringe on free speech. I would say the same if they were shutting down democrats.
It’s their own company. At the end of they day, they have shown their feathers and they can do what they want. They simply opened the box for other businesses to do the same thing against the other side. I actually disagree with that on either side.
This place is my only social media presence simply because they don’t squash differing views. And my views are quite different from the social norm here. I like the push back. I don’t always put much time into my replies because Jim Beam occasionally hangs out in my free time , but I haven’t seen a lot of censorship here. It’s almost like free speech.
If people can speak, you get to see who they are and others get to make up their own minds. That’s not such a bad thing.
@CourtJester Dude, you still don't get it. It's actually fucking amazing to me that people on your side who figuratively fuck the American flag with how they claim to be so patriotic don't even know how the FIRST fucking amendment to the Constitution works. SMH
@JeffMurray I’m amazed that people like you can’t comprehend the term “free speech”. It’s okay that neither of us likes what the other says. It’s free.
@JeffMurray what exactly Is your definition of free speech? What is your definition in less than 50 words? Just a cut and dry definition.
@CourtJester The Constitution does it in 45, plus includes all the others, too...
CONGRESS shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
PEOPLE and BUSINESSES can't infringe on your freedom of speech. It is only guaranteed to you that CONGRESS won't [while The Supreme Court obviously can set legal precedent that limits it e.g. "To incite actions that would harm others (e.g., “[S]hout[ing] ‘fire’ in a crowded theater.&rdquo.
Schenck v. United States, 249 U.S. 47 (1919)".]
@JeffMurray well the “shouting fire in a crowded theater” was from oliver wendell holmes in response to a group of yeddish speaking fellows that spoke against the First World War. They spent the rest of their life in prison because of Holmes’ opinion. That’s a bullshit opinion on a good day unless your goal is to shut down opinions that are not in line with your own.
Fire. Fire. Fire.
Even Christopher Hitchens said that much. Do better.
@CourtJester So you think people should be allowed to say whatever, wherever, whenever, however they want with no consequences?
@JeffMurray 100% Absolutely. Christians can call us retards and we can say the same of them if we so choose. If words hurt your feelings then you have issues that need dealt with that are much deeper than the words them selves.
If you are a fan of censorship, you can go to Iran or China. They would gladly accept your railing against differing opinions.
@JeffMurray why are you against people speaking freely?
@CourtJester So people should be allowed to print whatever they want in newspapers or magazines? Advertisers can lie as much as they want about the products they're selling? Investors and banks can show you false earnings reports to get you to hand over your money to them? Jeff Bezos can publicly offer $1 billion dollars to anyone who rapes CourtJester's mother and posts the video on an advertising van that drives by your house and work all day and night? Employees can publish trade secrets of businesses?
@JeffMurray Well... business have laws in place to protect individuals against deceptive practices. But there is a big difference between businesses advertising and personal opinions. Logical people can see the difference.
That’s just my opinion, but if you don’t understand the difference between Ford motor company and myself, then again; there are some deeper issues that need to be addressed.
@JeffMurray Remember that people aren’t really upset by free speech at all. Weak people are simply scared of it.
First of all, your side said there isn't a difference between people and corporations in a little inconsequential ruling called Citizens United v FEC.
Secondly, a business isn't taking out the ad, an actual person does it, so why can't that actual person that wants to say that actual thing claim that it's their right to say it? See how your no rules thing gets kinda stupid?
Third, even if you want to claim a "business" can't deceive and that that somehow doesn't contradict your claim that 100% absolutely people should be allowed to say whatever, wherever, whenever, however they want with no consequences, does that mean an individual can deceive people all they want with impunity?
Finally, you didn't address any of my "non-business-related" points. Should billionaires be allowed to put out statements that encourage people to kidnap your mother and get a video of a horse fucking her in the ass by offering a billion dollars to the first person that posts a video of horse ass rape on the new website that champions free speech:
So what'll it be? Should people "100% Absolutely" be able to say whatever they want without punishment? Or do you agree that there should be some limits to free speech?
'Not okay' is gross understatement. This is further evidence of the attempted Fascist/Communist (yes they are functionally identical) coup. It cannot be tolerated and if our Federal government authorities don't come to their senses and nip this thing, this high treason, in the bud, we are on the verge of another civil war.
Take that to the bank.
@Admin A chronic problem more evident on the Left than Right is the penchant for making a declaration and really believing it to be so merely by personal affirmation; no facts necessary and any offering of factual contradictions ignored. Political fanaticism and theological fundamentalism differ little in that regard.
@Silver1wun "A chronic problem more evident on the Left than Right is the penchant for making a declaration and really believing it to be so merely by personal affirmation; no facts necessary and any offering of factual contradictions ignored." --See what you're doing there?
@Gareth stating an opinion based on my observations. It could be inaccurate, but it's based on over 60 years of paying attention to current events and learning real history; having had many orientations on both ends of the political spectrum.