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"People no longer understand how hold a rational conversation. Social media users have become savvy at crafting short and snarky comments, but utter failures when it comes listening any voice that did not originate in their heads.

Instead, flags are raised and separate camps declared; traitors to the cause are unfriended and blocked; verbal incendiaries are lobbed from these guarded positions, while the level of hate continues to climb towards breaking point. The center won't hold under such conditions.

Listening to the other side requires wisdom, patience and in some cases admitting that you are wrong. Sadly and potentially tragically, few Americans are prepared to concede their mistakes, and that will only guarantee more wanton aggression and hate against innocents in the future."


And it seems that the disease has spread to some members.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.
Hate in the heartland: America is stumbling towards disaster one virulent tweet at a time []

FrayedBear 9 Jan 26
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Yea, I'm really quite ignorant to this story, by choice actually. For one it is another issue that intensifies division than it will help to end. I can't see me putting nearly 2 hours into watching the video to educate myself on a matter that I think other issues being presented might bring clearer views towards the need for unity. I've had a hard time keeping up with the group this week with work as it is 🙂 I've missed a lot of articles I would have liked to have gotten posted 😟 And taxes to do today. Please feel free to keep us up to date on this! The RT article is a good one though. Thank you.

Which video?

@FrayedBear the video related to the issue the RT article is basically based on. That video is also linked within the article which is an hour and 46 minutes long. The article is a strong reference to what just transpired in DC recently. For me to go in to it any further would be to commit the same crimes as main stream media did, out of ignorance, to be seen as a biased perception management.

@William_Mary Aha, with you. Yes like you I skipped over that as I was more interested in the principle / "wood or forest" than the "individual trees" thrown up as examples. I have recently encountered quite a number on this site.

@FrayedBear yea, the Politics and News/Links forums here is no different than being on facebook, sadly. I've also have seen in a couple other groups I occasionally visit to be near as bad. The divisional divides and acceptance of hypocritical politics and the politicians that come with it are disheartening. Overwhelmingly obvious that many develop their opinions off reading only catchy eye candy headlines to stories while missing the information, or lack of, by actually reading the entire article. And not clicking on any links within an article that are there to debunk a false news report, or, as a means to lead one to more information to back up what a writer or journalist is attempting to inform us of. These are the very reasons we have people ignorantly continuing to vote in a corrupt electoral system. And are easily drawn and trapped in the illusion of perception management. Seemingly never willing to seek out better news sources which could lead them in a direction away from what they so blissfully believe today in which main stream media provides such amounts of inaccuracies. What is going on in Venezuela and how it's being reported here is a prime example!

@William_Mary Venezuela, I totally agree.
It is also very upsetting that the enemy of my enemy of necessity has to be befriended.

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