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Joe Biden Fueled the Latin American Migration Crisis

Colombians and Hondurans tell Max Blumenthal about the damage the U.S. presidential candidate has done to their societies.


{“Biden is taking credit for doing something constructive to stop the migration crisis and blaming the concentration camps [on the U.S. -Mexico border] on Trump. But it’s Biden’s policies that are driving more people out of Central America and making human rights defenders lives more precarious by defending entities that have no interest in human rights,” explained Adrienne Pine, a professor of anthropology at American University and leading researcher of the social crisis in Honduras, in an interview with The Grayzone.}

Do you need a moment for this to settle in? Do I need to put a link in here to Caitlin Johnstone's 1-2 Punch. Here it is for the new/ish members [] Dems And GOP Work Together Like A Boxer’s 1–2 Punch To Knock You Out

This is relative to the very agenda of this group. Have you heard Trump actually point the factual reasons this problem exist? No, because it would go against the grain of the worlds ruling class agenda. Have you heard Biden point this out? No, he's to busy taking credit for something that's not there for the benefit of the worlds ruling class. Rather than attack the real problem we get a delusional manufactured crisis that creates chaos and kills while being used to separate us.

{But Biden’s plan for Colombia has contributed directly to the country’s transformation into a hyper-militarized bastion of right-wing rule, enhancing the power and presence of the notoriously brutal armed forces while failing miserably in its anti-narcotic and reformist objectives.}

[One of the deals with FARC to unarm was to provide farmers in their areas with a means to grow crops outside of coca. They were ignored, so enable to survive they continued to grow coca. I guess they didn't share enough of the profits with the government. The only transformation some of them received was from life to death.

On October 5, 2017, police opened fire on unarmed farmers in Tumaco, Colombia. Eight were killed, with dozens more shot. The massacre was part of a crackdown on coca farmers in the "War On Drugs" despite an agreement for crop substitution--and amidst new threats from Trump, ordering the government to use more force or face consequences.]

The Empire Files goes on-the-ground to investigate the massacre, interviewing witnesses and casualties. Abby Martin visits recently-destroyed farms, uses hidden cameras to confront soldiers about the operations, and explores the context of such a killing less than a year after the historic peace deal ending the country's 53-year civil war.

A Massacre of Farmers in US-Colombia ‘War On Drugs’

{This year alone, more than 50 human rights defenders were killed in Colombia in the first four months of 2019, while coca production is close to record levels. And as Colombian peace activists lamented in interviews with The Grayzone, the U.S. is still in complete control of Bogotá’s failed anti-drug policy, thanks largely to Plan Colombia.}

That's just this year alone of something that been going on since the ruling classes colonization began. This is what a country becomes, then joins the colonizers in attempts to take out others like their neighbor, Venezuela. In which they'll tell you Venezuelans are running to them while leaving out how many of their people ran to and now live in Venezuela to get way from what Blumenthal is explaining to us. Some 3 million people from Columbia now live in Venezuela getting free health care, free school, and housing, and fed each day. I'll admit now, I haven't heard the recent figures on that since the newer sanctions have been creating a degree of problems. But this is what the ruling class will not tolerate. A society free of their control that doesn't want to be a part of their murderous agenda.

In the Deadliest Country for Unions & Social Leaders

In 2017, murders of social leaders, union organizers and indigenous activists in Colombia hit a new high since the historic peace agreement.

{“There was no sovereign decision on this issue. Colombia does not have a decision,” he continued. It was Washington that wrote the script for Bogota. And the drug trade is in fact a key part of the global financial system, Salinas pointed out.}

This goes back to the video I posted a while back on the global money system. As this money is added into the global system (laundered) it helps to keep the markets looking good. We're talking about 100's of billion if not into the trillions. The war on drugs is a falsity being used as a tool, with others I've been explaining over the past few weeks, to manipulate global currency. Take this money out and the game is over. It will not be tolerated by the ruling class for whom it benefits to keep their illusion alive.

William_Mary 8 July 31
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They stir shit all through Latin America, and when they try to escape, they end up in concentration camps at the border. Empires sucks!

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