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Sad but apparently true []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
If you want to have good sex, you need to Tell your partner what you want,, and maybe surprise them once in a while with something they never thought of.
Well,,, it's a job, so what the hell.. []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
She needs to wear a back brace!
I hope some of our American cousins can answer this Question! Why does the word "socialism" strike ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
From your post to dumbass' brains....oh, wait......
LENT....What do ya think???
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
What? Oh, you mean multiple Fish Fry Fridays.....
I read her book Crazy Love and just found this TED talk.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I left a physically & mentally abusive relationship long before there were shelters, hot lines or any aware law enforcement. (Alabama in the early 70's) Learned A Lot, like you can only ever depend on yourself, and "things" are meaningless, at a very young age. The Most dangerous time is when you leave as they cannot/will not tolerate defiance. And one "good"day makes up for 4 or more "bad" ones, especially if nobody in your family was ever divorced. ( The Horror!The Shame!) I bless Tracy Thurman & her lawyer every time I see my scars!
The Stop Sanders movement has gone public [cnn.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
This IS what it looks like when the establishment want to keep We The People enslaved!
My beautiful Islander lady friend with heaps of sex appeal.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Wish I could teeter around in shoes like that....once upon a time, *sigh*......oh, wait, put them on when i am planning on Not walking?!
I just got back from an 8 day trip to Trumplandia, my wife and I flew down to get my mother and ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
I may be joining you soon!
I think this country would be better off with an Atheist in the White House.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
We NEED someone with an understanding of The Constitution & Bill of Rights! And the concept of obeying the law! I do not give a damn what religion they are, or not.....
Thoughtful guide for the hook-up generation, from a female point of view ... []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
This is an excellent read! Funny but So down to earth
He's the perfect rep for it!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Tonight on MSNBC, he was at a rally & introduced his wife as his sister, and vice-versa. Weird & creepy!
So, do you believe in karma or serendipity?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Things like that have happened to me too...the universe restoring balance, maybe.
Does anyone else share my view that there should not be a category called hate crimes?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
They have stiffer penalties for hate crimes, and I totally support that!
Here’s to progress and recognizing the very early signs of men (in my case) just looking for sex.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Ummmm, no.......
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Good for the goose.....
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Anybody see any signs of reactions to the coronavirus panic in your area?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Monday morning my doctor walked in wearing a mask.
Trump ordered Assange’s seizure by British police and wanted him dead - World Socialist Web Site
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
This seems weird, Assange was a huge factor in Hillary losing. Oh, wait...............burying the evidence!
Celebrating my birthday with my favorite (non-human) baby, Oliver. 🥰
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Beautiful, and Huge!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
To get in, you have to be immersion-baptized in Clorox!
Trump attacks fox news ...what's next 😄[]
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Oh, karma, I luuuuuuvvv yu!
I wonder what the best way to spread a deadly virus might be, if I were an evil genius?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Rub your infected hands on every door knob/common surface, cough & sneeze as much as possible in as crowded conditions as possible, never stay home if feeling poorly.
Update: So the guy that ghosted me for not meeting him after 3 weeks has re-appeared.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
He gets his kicks Reading stuff, not actual dates.
Would work on me
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 4, 2020:
Posting this in my meds cupboard! With opaque paper over it, to prevent accidental vomiting.
I need someone to vouch for me please ?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Ohferpetesake. Maybe ignoring the crap outta him, and/or Blocking would be more effective than stirring the pot?
The Thames London eye and last photo looking towards City of London
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
So ethereal-looking in that gorgeous sky!
Well, I kind of saw this coming to tell the truth.. 🤣[]
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Seems about right......
She is someone I’ve admired and is still my second choice, but this article seems accurate.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Not at all "more honest," in fact a noted flip-flopper & very poor fact -checker, at best. Too shrill to be electable, as recent polls & caucuses make clear. You are drinking the same KoolAid as St Sinner & drumpy!...just because you wish it was true, and state it is true, doesn't make it true!
Religion will be at the center of the 2020 general election, with Trump emphasizing that the Dems ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Gawd I hope so!!!.
So those of you who believe Bernie was too old now have to choose which “too old” candidate to ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Both very close in years to drumpy, but who do you think is in better shape than drump, mentally & physically?!
Good Morning Everyone! Woke up with the intention of working today but never made it.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Just beautiful, especially the touches of color! Such skill!
THIS IS MAKING ROUNDS ON SOCIAL MEDIA Did a 1981 Dean Koontz novel predict the coronavirus?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Is the cure for being a hysterical woman to give her a hysterectomy? []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Always been loud! Had a complete hysterectomy at age 29, and it did not help one bit!
Is it elitist to think we have a responsibility to others?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
The Golden Rule. Period.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!! MSNBC 7:00 PM EST USA - Watching Hardball I watched Chris Mathews retire from ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
He was turning increasingly Old Nasty White Man, just yuck!
Feeling lonely and under-appreciated? NOW THERE'S A CURE FOR THAT ... []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Robert Reich taking on the top six complaints about Bernie’s electability. []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
This is the architect of the Huge budget SURPLUS this country had under Bill Clinton, so listen up!
Robert Reich taking on six arguments in regards to Bernie’s electability.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Robert Reich is the guy responsible for our budget SURPLUS during the Bill Clinton you might want to listen up!
On the 14th of this month of March 2020 i will turn 76 years old.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Things could change.....Bernie could get elected, and then we all will pitch in to pressure the troglodytes who remain in C9ngress & local government, to "get with the program(s)...could be tons of fun! And fresh air!
There is a great film by Mike Judge that predicts this ... "Idiocracy" []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 3, 2020:
Only true things can be this funny, sadly.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Just ratcheting up his terribleness, again.
It is unacceptable
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Totally Agree!
Fareed Zakaria explains.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Maybe you should go to YouTube & see what Bernie has Actually been saying for over 30 years? Instead of regurgitating BS you got from Faux!
The comments are hilarious.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Well, isn't that special.....
Trump misidentifies first US coronavirus fatality
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I an SSOOOO surprised by this........
“You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Thank Goodness for our Free Press, annoying at times, quick to jump all over things before all the facts are in, but would we know Anything about kids in cages, or the Coronavirus, without them?
Hi. Apologies in advance for this rather abrupt question: Is this site an echo chamber?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
There are interminable discussions on such topics! Enjoy the buffet!
Well, it may say so somewhere in the bible...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Oh, Not Good for you, any second now!
I need someone to vouch for me please ?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Geez, can I check yer basement first?
Let's talk about Bernie causing breadlines.... - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Gee, how many breadlines (or even homeless) do we see in Scandinavian countries? I'll wait right here while you find some.......
Hidden Women of History: Enheduanna, Princess, Priestess and the World’s First Known Author
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Loved this!
Hey, I am ready! Good morning 🌅 everyone! 😁
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I want that dress (for private viewing) in purple, please!
Why Women Aged 35 45 Are Single and Unhappy The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness - YouTube
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Wow do you need to hang out somewhere else!!!
This reminds me of how much I miss Jon Stewart! Nobody can deliver a punch like he can, and this ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Stupid interminable inescapable ad spoiled this!!!
This reminds me of how much I miss Jon Stewart! Nobody can deliver a punch like he can, and this ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
And such a thoughtful, Real human being!
I am Bored.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Hey Gipsy! Welcome Back! And Badass pic of Geronimo!
AI will transform religion with robot priests like this one - Vox
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Is the the same as the "sex dolls" will replace sex workers?
Who did this?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Looks better than drumpy's "junk" according to Stormy
I guess I've been missing out on things ...>smile< []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Bah, Humbug!
Today I celebrate six weeks without a cigarette.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Good on you, and people have short-term memories anyway.
She is someone I’ve admired and is still my second choice, but this article seems accurate.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Showing a severe lack of character IMO as the "going gets rough". No thanks!
The language is VERY rough, but the shock factor sure gets your attention quick.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
They are going to grow up & be just like me! *feeling proud!*
I'm very glad I'm not a student anymore.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Texas of course! [theguardian.]
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Texas used to be Blue, until gerrymandering. When I was in 6th-grade civics classes, (age 11?) they taught us about gerrymandering and how bad it was for democracy.....I am 71 now, and it is Rampant, WTF!!????!
The latest view from Dr. Brandy Lee: []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I feel that, at a minimum, my leaders should understand reality, but nooooooooo
This is priceless unintentional humor ..[friendlyatheist.patheos.]
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Typical ploy to fool the Parole Board
It can work, really....
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Works for me! In fact maybe I will never notice......
Goodnight Sometimes you just have to sit back and binge watch.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
The Great British Baking Show on Netflix....yummy, hypnotic, addicting & hype-free!
This is the one!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Oh indeed yes!
How a genius gets women to vote for him, His feminine side is the best of any president, In ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I sure hope this is accurate.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
I think many have had enough "winning"....Go Bernie!
I feel very sexy and feminine in this photo. It’s not often that I feel like that lately.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Cool eye makeup, did you do it yourself to match the feathers?
[] aurora borealis info
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
About age 12 they came to Southern Connecticut, we kids stayed in the yard far past our bedtime to watch.
There's nothing worse than somebody hateing America and living here at the same time if you live ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
"Hating"???? Or greatly disliking the current direction drump is leading us towards?....this is Not my America!!!! This country is Not functioning properly, do you think those kids in cages are enjoying "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"???????
A useful test to see where you stand politically; See the image below to see my profile.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Some of the questions were worded oddly, or tried to compare "apples to oranges".... takers, beware
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
"National Intelligence" now has an IQ of <50 on a good day, I guess he is going for negative numbers?
Mostly my photographs are of my garden and/or my dogs but every now and then something else grabs my...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Magic! Including the music to match!
Git an email. Yrunp has kvives for dalem fuck me jesus!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 2, 2020:
Ummm, posting while drunk/high isn't really a good move......
[] 5 Scathingly funny cartoons about Trump's coronavirus response.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Funny now.........
Punch him in the face []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
That felt FANTASTIC! Thanks for posting!
A story that is the poster child for what a clusterfuck looks like. []
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Nobody bothered to check, nobody bothered to think, never mind plan. We are all going to die if we trust or even listen to these idiots!
[] Why do liberals think Trump supporters are stupid?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Ummm, because they are? Actually I think drump supporters turn a blind eye to kids in cages, the fear retirees/elderly/disabled are feeling, and etc. Which is Worse than "stupid"!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Doing great work!
Definitely a trumper
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
How attractive......
“Moderation in temper is always a virtue; but moderation in principle is always a vice.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
"Moderation", hmmmmm...should i limit the # of orgasms i have so I can be a "good girl"?????????
Fifty years ago, a teenager wrote the best selling young adult novel of all time
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Not "Catcher in the Rye"?????? I never heard of this book andhave been an avid reader my entire life
Okay, this just made me spit my water all over my monitor. LOL I am easily amused.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
It's a miracle!
A coronavirus recession would likely end Trump's presidency
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
I doubt it, his evangelical base will die Happy as they wait for him to miraculously cure them.
If most folks can agree that we "create our own reality" can we then agree that we create our own ...
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Cannot be bothered with a god or gods, would rather build an addition to my house!
"If criticism is not allowed, then praise is meaningless.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
WHere the Hell is "criticism not allowed?....I wanna go there!
My wife suddenly feels old. It's our son's 50th birthday today. Reality strikes !
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Wait till she hits 70! I had a huge party on my 69th because it was the last year in that checkbox?
DNA Reveals the Origins of the Ancient Philistines
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Every picture is from some religious source, every "fact"is a Babble quote, every 4th word is "may"/ "could"/"might be". Science my ass! Another "History Channel" mire of conjecture!
My sister in law is always trying to fix me up.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
When someone who know you both tries to put you togeter, you should give it a chance...WTH not?
People sure can twist things bass ackwards these days.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
The meme lives on but the 'explanation" immediately gets lost. You are a Fool!
What do you suppose gives rise to and supports belief in God?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Needing a more powerful extension of your parents
MICHAEL AVENATTI is my new hero, give that man a cape! And THANK YOU STORMY DANIELS for hiring him!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
He hasn't been disbarred? Usualy jail time results in rapid disbarrment.
How obvious is it to you when people are flirting with you?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
Please Stop your inappropriate workplace behavior unless you want to be fired!
It is god’s will.
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
We're all gonna die!
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
The sales wouldn't be as strong then. So that will not happen....
Does anyone feel like they are out of their 20's inside?
AnneWimsey comments on Mar 1, 2020:
My plan is to feel/act younger & younger until they carry me off.....


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