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It sure is hard to hire a handy man.
EdEarl comments on Jul 11, 2018:
The handy man who was supposed to show up on Monday, called this morning and apologized for not showing Monday. I invited him over, and we worked for a while. I think he will be a keeper.
Freedompath replies on Jul 11, 2018:
Sometimes I think we atheists/agnostics put just a bit too much importance on some "religious" ...
evidentialist comments on Jul 11, 2018:
Crusade? You used the word 'crusade'. What the hell is wrong with you, man? You sound like some kind of believer twit or something. This here is an agnostic/atheist site by god. We don't use language like that around here. We is ... sophisticamated. By god, if I hear language like that around...
Freedompath replies on Jul 11, 2018:
...boy once you get started!!!!
Sometimes I think we atheists/agnostics put just a bit too much importance on some "religious" ...
FatherOfNyx comments on Jul 11, 2018:
My child's mother/kind of girlfriend gives me shit all the time for using the phrase "that's karma" cause she knows I don't believe in literal karma. She does. Aside from that, I haven't really had anyone give me much grief over using phrases typically tied to believers when they know I am a ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@Crimson67 my belief about Karma, differs from the way that you mean, ‘karma.’ (I think). What you give out comes back to you, because it is a ‘state of consciousness.’ Our consciousness works in both draws in to us and sends out from us...from the same beliefs that we hold in our own consciousness!
I love the way Kristen Russell handled this. I would not want to play Scrabble against her either ?
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2018: is about time we see these signs sprout up everywhere! FINALLY a bit of courage is breaking out!
Freedompath replies on Jul 11, 2018:
@LucyLoohoo sorry to report that I got turned around somehow and thought the church was supporting the LGBT community! When I re-read the story I found my mistake. So you were ‘spot-on’ to question my statement! I think that I am bordering on ‘overload’ trying to keep myself informed! Thanks...
It sure is hard to hire a handy man.
Gareth comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Trump is busy trying to empty the US of hard-workers who cost very little - except when he needs them for his golf resorts.
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
This strategy is to force the ‘lazy’ people to work! But low IQ and unskilled, will not be getting the work, that is needed here...they lack the ability! And I am not degrading these people...this is life 101, reality!
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Just one qualifier before I answer the question - Does she look like this? :)
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@Surfpirate REAL and tough! Lol
Boy, I say Boy!!
Our_existence comments on Jul 10, 2018:
Oh MY! I just fell off my chair laughing so hard!!!
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
Me too!
I’ll be visiting my mother in less than a month.
JayGee83 comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I feel you. I'm about to spend the next 5 days with my mom who is also very religious. I would just advise staying away from the topic as much as possible. If she sneaks something in - try to not acknowledge it and hope she gets the hint.
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@Mariv357 I have a suggestion...ask your mom about her childhood...I learned too late to ask my parents about their growing up years! And, sometimes I will tell things to my children about my early years and they will express not knowing!
I’ll be visiting my mother in less than a month.
Marionville comments on Jul 9, 2018:
To thine own self be true........Shakespeare, (Polonius in Hamlet). I think it’s time you told your mother, you are an adult and have a mind of your own,
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@Mariv357 same story with my granddaughter...she sincerely believed that I was going to hell! It is helpful to remember that is their fear, leave it to deal with it! Life does change, sometimes very slowly, but new information alters all of us!
I’ll be visiting my mother in less than a month.
NerdyOkieDude comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Pick your battles. If it’s more important to enjoy her within the limitations that piety demands of a believer, than it is to be “right” or “honest” just play along for the time you are there. It’s a benevolent lie. I’m a jerk, who rather be right than liked. But that route ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 10, 2018:
@Mariv357 I think we never need to feel shame/guilt for claiming our own truth...same for the other person, too!
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
Surfpirate comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Just one qualifier before I answer the question - Does she look like this? :)
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
Will she deflate if there is a pin prick..if so, there is no future anyway?!
Would you date someone who is a self-proclaimed psychic/intuitive?
pepperjones comments on Jul 9, 2018:
Yeah... no. Plus all the guys I've ever met into that have long nails and smell funny to boot.
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@pepperjones long nails on anyone is, ‘shudders!’ What is with those Lon-ng nails, anyway? You could never do any ‘real’ work! Lol
dumptrump notmypresident resist
KKGator comments on Jul 9, 2018:
I'm not a 45 supporter, but your first meme is factually incorrect. It doesn't help anything when anti-45 people put up false information. Makes those doing it as bad as his supporters and Fox "news". Facts DO matter. *Sorry, I should have specified why it is factually incorrect. 1. ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
One report from a victim, said that Jim Jordan was present in the showers when the a-ledge, assaults took place?
I love the way Kristen Russell handled this. I would not want to play Scrabble against her either ?
Freedompath comments on Jul 9, 2018: is about time we see these signs sprout up everywhere! FINALLY a bit of courage is breaking out!
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@LucyLoohoo To have religious places putting ‘out front’ a statement condemning something that even their god, does not support! From that point of view...a sin! Where a non-believer, believes it degrades another human being, to treat LGBT..,’less than’ in any way.
How will Trump's Presidency end?
Bjy001 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Neither. I predict we'll have to deal with an entire eight years.
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
Over 6 more years of trump and I will be a ‘lunatic!’ I would be forced to give up politics and the media, to survive!
How will Trump's Presidency end?
Aivery comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Sadly, I don't think either of these will happen. I think he will finish his 4 years.we can only hope that Americans don't make the same mistake and reelect him.
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@wordywalt I sure hope you have something there...
How will Trump's Presidency end?
GilSanchez comments on Jul 8, 2018:
With a horrible bout of explosive dhiarea that will be blamed on Obama and or isis
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
Yes! That has a ‘ring’ of Truth in it! Lol
I enjoy this immensely.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 8, 2018:
And how about--I don't want children to be uneducated! I want our public schools to be the best in the world and I'm willing to pay a few more dollars per year to help with that.
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
Just made this today it may need polishing.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2018:
This one is not flowing enough, so I can grip it!
Freedompath replies on Jul 9, 2018:
@azzow2 it is all in the brain!
Do You Have PTSD?
Our_existence comments on Jul 8, 2018:
This really isn't a joking matter. It DOES exist. Just ask the American Psychiatric Association. ....And YES I do have it very badly.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Yes! Mine has gone dormant, after my back operation! No clear explanation! But, nerves are still sensitive...
Do You Have PTSD?
silverotter11 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Too much good humor for it to settle in completely. When I can't laugh at a good trump rip is the day I'll know PTSD has set in.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Thank heavens for the humor! It may be our salvation in the end...
Do You Have PTSD?
MrLink comments on Jul 8, 2018:
I do feel this Trump presidency has been like an assault on the nation. Every day I turn on the news and something scares the shit out of me. It feels like trauma. I'm not getting used to it.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Me neither...
Dog damn it, I hate posting something only to have random words disappear from it.
WalterWhite comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Now you know how the Preacher feels when he has worked carefully to place people in the pews, and then one Sunday four or five have mysteriously disappeared for good, as they end up chatting on where it's more fun.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I sure hope that is true, lol
This one still needs work-- Jack the Mule came from who knows where.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2018:
A nice story on the innocence of childhood...but with the danger!
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@tnorman1236 i’m still a mother, lol
Are you non believers forum, or dating site?
LiterateHiker comments on Jul 8, 2018:
By posting this three times, it seems you are stuttering. Your question doesn't make sense.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@VAL3941 since I read this whole thread and got to here...I feel sad that a new person’s posting got to the point, that you would make such a statement as you did here! That was ‘below the belt’ and you surely must know it? One of my closest friends comes from SAfrica, and I assure you, she would call your bluff, on your remark!
Are you non believers forum, or dating site?
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Either one...if you so choose!
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Ladislaver speaking for myself, I do my best trying to read between the lines, but sometimes I miss the point! Since I became a non-believer in the last 15-20 yrs...I have found ‘them’ to be mostly like other people..,a mixed bag! I try and understand where each person is coming from and state what I mean as clearly as possible...and even that sometimes gets chewed up! I don’t think that you will find this site, ‘like living in a vacuum!’ I sure didn’t! But what I am learning is a better understanding on how I relate to all people! I guess if you need something more will need to keep looking! Good luck...
This one still needs work-- Jack the Mule came from who knows where.
Freedompath comments on Jul 8, 2018:
A nice story on the innocence of childhood...but with the danger!
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@tnorman1236 falling off the horse and breaking something! No?
Are you non believers forum, or dating site?
Beach_slim comments on Jul 8, 2018:
This is a liberal circle jerk, welcome.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
What a strange way to greet, someone you don’t even know?
Are you non believers forum, or dating site?
Krish55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Both, but we don't award more points for posting the same thing multiple times!
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
I think his trigger finger went off...been having a little of that myself! Admin, must have speeded things up!
What Is one thing I can do to improve or to make my profile more appealing to women? : ) thanks!
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I had one other thought...’live who you are’ and there will be no need to advertise everything about you!
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@JohnINFP well...they should find someone made in their own image...apparently! You want someone that accepts each person as he/she is...and appreciates that! Otherwise, you would be forever swimming up stream, warn out before your time! Now, if you know what your dark side is (we all have one), you might shine some light there and make ‘that’ better!
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 the point that I believe you are missing is...I don’t assimilate information the same way you do, obviously! This is how I operate in the world...I want to be taken seriously for who I am, not how much I perceive/write/speak just like you do...that is all I am saying! Do you not want the same?
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 I am not the ‘go to person’ if you need to get technical. I am here to learn and accept my fellow man as he/she is...sometimes expressed in poems! I don’t consult experts on that, as each human being is an individual! I want to ‘see’ that person from what he is attempting to BE, in this world. Not what I want or wish him to be! I may be coming from an entirely different place than you...I hope you can find that acceptable! If not, remember I am not ‘here’ to please you or anyone really!
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 I bargained with your opinion, for the same reason that you bargained with mine! Why does bargaining not go both ways? I did not ‘put you down,’ for ‘bargaining,’ though!
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 you misunderstood me, if you thought I was criticizing...I was not! I was only pointing out something about our brains! Nothing more, nothing less! I am one of those individuals, who is not breaking down anyone’s reaction is from an emotional reaction as I read a poem! Everyone is free to ‘read’ anyway they choose! In fact your original response made sense and I took that into account, but the second one sounds like you expect all people to ‘operate’ as you do...well, good luck with that!
I've been working on this one for weeks.
Dee138 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
You are not alone, this speaks to the anger many of us felt when pressured by someone who is in the position of power. it also reminds those going through it - the tide will turn and the offender will eventually be stripped of that power, by age, retirement or the inevitable.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
Meantime, all ages need to know that they have a voice and boundaries!
Did anyone else catch the news about the 8 Republicans that went to Russia for the 4th of July?
Marine comments on Jul 8, 2018:
They were there just to increase the money spent on travel. Nothing came of it.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
...not yet! But, it was done without oversight and why exclude the Democrats? This is what is baffling to me...the gop does hold the balance of power..,but, why has the other Americans not protested their place at the table? We are still here and WE matter! Matter-of-fact, we could be the majority, by counting! The more I write here the madder I feel...The Republicans want totally control of everything and bend everything in the direction of the ‘religious right!’ This is beginning to look like the Crusades...117 years it was!
Did anyone else catch the news about the 8 Republicans that went to Russia for the 4th of July?
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Our leaders are teaching us hate and fear Russia. Like they always have done because the ruling class needs an enemy keep people fearful, maintain control. I suspect there is no ideological or political hostility between the United States and Russia. Instead there is a group of extremely ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Ellatynemouth yes, this cannot be ignored and we Americans need to protest on this matter! (But at this moment, we have our hands full), but the issue with Putin is not the same...his has accumulated great individual power and he uses it...for complete control and will harm at the drop of your hat! Our interference around the world is not legit, but Americans will protest and not be assissinated for it! We can’t change our system with one swift swipe, but at least we can change the cruel and inhumane actions, one at the time! Unless, you have a better plan...
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 and I bet it is harder for me, than it would be for you! Lol
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
@Lincoln55 ...I am not so sure that ‘jarring’ our brain out of it’s norm, is wasted! Remember, if our brain keeps cutting into the same old groves... I must work my brain really hard on some of azzow2, work, but at the same time I am fascinated at how his brain works! Who knew?
Did anyone else catch the news about the 8 Republicans that went to Russia for the 4th of July?
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Our leaders are teaching us hate and fear Russia. Like they always have done because the ruling class needs an enemy keep people fearful, maintain control. I suspect there is no ideological or political hostility between the United States and Russia. Instead there is a group of extremely ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
That is a valid point...but, after reading all that information about how Russia has worked with the algorithms, to destabilize different countries in the last few years, I do not trust them, at all! Not to mention, how they assassinate people who disagree or leave Russia. Putin is not my kind of man...much more dangerous than trump! And that is saying a lot! Putin, has no interest in anything but, pure power and that makes him more dangerous! He will get rid of his associates (friends) the name of power! He is cunning in the way he keeps his image in check, but he IS a MOST dangerous man!
When I had first posted this about 5 years ago it drew a ton of flack.
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
"Indulge the study of algae of the clarity in slanting Thickness or viscosity" Thats your final line in plain speak or you could call it language that is geared toward some type of understanding. I am apologetic for my stupefication sir, but There is no clarity there. Do you go through a dictionary,...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
...that could be the point! Lol
Did anyone else catch the news about the 8 Republicans that went to Russia for the 4th of July?
Julie808 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Yes, curious about that. Also curious that Jill Stein and Michael Flynn were at a dinner table with Putin in Russia in December of 2015. Doubt we will ever know the true intentions and and outcomes of these meetings. I wish everything was out in the open, but it sure is intriguing to see the ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
The only thing I worry about, Russia plays for keeps! And, they are not trying to save the world toward a more humane way of living!
Did anyone else catch the news about the 8 Republicans that went to Russia for the 4th of July?
David1955 comments on Jul 8, 2018:
Seems to be the treason season in the Republican Party these days. Do they still hang traitors in the US?
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
They should...this flies in the face of reason...Russia has got us by the coat tails and the Republicans seem in lock step...
My oldest brother died on Wednesday, July 4.
Maggiemay comments on Jul 7, 2018:
I'm the last of 3 and mom n dad. 4th was my bros favorite holiday n he died on memorial day weekend. Kinda fucked up my holiday summer fun.
Freedompath replies on Jul 8, 2018:
So sorry that you too, lost a brother!
A micro-study.
Charlene comments on Jul 7, 2018:
To hell in the proverbial, made in China, handbasket..
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Charlene, do you think we are getting a little fast on the ‘finger’ trigger? I keep posting duplicates and not by choice!!!
A micro-study.
Ellatynemouth comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Well written post. I blocked someone on this site who I thought was OK at first. To keep it brief, this person supported the right of the homophobic cake shop owner to turn away customers. They then tried to convince me that they were not homophobic in any way (because they had officiated a...
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I do know what you mean! Some of us may be more in tuned, with people than others, too! Emotional pain, is pain and can break the spirit and for sure can disable a person emotionally for a time!
A micro-study.
josh_karpf comments on Jul 7, 2018:
His politics aside, aren’t contractors supposed to overorder some materials a bit so they don’t run short on the job? In my trade, books, traditionally, presses order 10 percent more paper than needed at best.
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@moonmaid since they were ordered toward the end of the project, I felt the same!
A micro-study.
Surfpirate comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Blocking, ledger boards, trim boards, stair treads, doubled or tripled joists and wastage. I always carried a minimum of 5% for wastage and another 5% for pilferage. I've seen this mentality before in skilled tradespeople, they work harder and have less to show for it each year. The money doesn't...
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Yes, that has the ring of truth!
A micro-study.
nicknotes comments on Jul 7, 2018:
It seems strange to me that working people are Trumpies. Don't they know he wants to turn their Medicare into a useless voucher system? Don't they know he wants to reduce their Social Security?
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
Not to mention when these tariffs kick-in!
A micro-study.
MissKathleen comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Since you feel so strongly, in future you might want to research the political affiliation as well as the proficiency of any future tradesmen you wish to hire. Or you could refrain from engaging in political discussion with them. Not saying your observation about the declination of the morality of...
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I am trying to see where these trump people are coming from. It would not determine whether I would use them, but dishonest would turn me in another direction, for sure! I will get the answer to the ‘extras!’
A micro-study.
josh_karpf comments on Jul 7, 2018:
His politics aside, aren’t contractors supposed to overorder some materials a bit so they don’t run short on the job? In my trade, books, traditionally, presses order 10 percent more paper than needed at best.
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
In most cases, I get it. But, this is simple and materials were ordered as he progressed! 2-3 boards I could understand, but 11? And he is completely finished on part that needed 2by 6s! I discovered them after he left on Friday and he want be back until next week. He is a very skilled person...with what he has done so far, even has very little waste! I can’t make the facts match up!
A micro-study.
btroje comments on Jul 7, 2018:
some moments I feel militant and others I think back on fighting the same battles and now more at both the start and end of my adult life. I feel tired today
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I can relate! There seems to be little time, for goodness to is more like picking up broken pieces of your daily life! Everything seems too scattered!
A micro-study.
rogeralyn comments on Jul 7, 2018:
There is a really good new book out discussing many of the things you mentioned. It's a pretty in depth read. It's called "Fantasyland - How America Went Haywire" by Kurt Anderson.
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I will look it up!
I've been teaching my cat to jump through burning hoops.
hankster comments on Jul 7, 2018:
Thats at least 99 fails.
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
@Duke omg...(that i don’t believe exists)!
DHS & HHS Should Be Investigated for Destroying Immigrant Family Records - CREW
wordywalt comments on Jul 6, 2018:
What ele would one expect from Trump-appointed officials? They know that they did wrong, so they destroy the evidence.
Freedompath replies on Jul 7, 2018:
I can’t get out of my mind the cost to the taxpayer, to get this straighten out! As somebody stated, money that could have been put to better use!
Ladies, it might be worth buying some for you or someone in your life.
Freedompath comments on Jul 6, 2018:
That is very good idea...just not for me unless the story of Abraham and Sarah is true?
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@KKGator yes! Good point! I did keep that in mind!
The Thai children in the cave! < : /
JK666 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I hope they make it out, but that was a stupid and dangerous decision by the coach taking them in there.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
I thought that too, but this is the beginning of Munson Season and if he was not familiar with that cave... it was a grave error! You would have thought that he would have done some research on it before hand! Caves have never interested me and they never will, now!
I would buy one! []
Charlene comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Yeeees please!
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
Side note...Charlene, you looking good girl!
I usually write my poems from a visual thought. Does anyone else do this?
azzow2 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I do one of Einstein`s old tricks I see the impossible then formulate an idea to contemplate a thought.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@azzow2 that would leave most any person in ‘aha!’
I usually write my poems from a visual thought. Does anyone else do this?
azzow2 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I do one of Einstein`s old tricks I see the impossible then formulate an idea to contemplate a thought.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
Wow! Comparing yourself to Einstein..,’hu’ just start at the top, must be your mantra! Lol
Just when you thought trump and the fascist republicans could not do much more to Citizens of this ...
KKGator comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I just can't anymore with all this bullshit.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@KKGator we may be forced to find legal ways! I know that takes money, but there must be people who have (more than enough), who can bear the, want they be caught in this insanity, too?
Just when you thought trump and the fascist republicans could not do much more to Citizens of this ...
slydr68 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Disgusting waste of resources...
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@dkp93 sooner if not later, we will fit on some unwanted list!
Just when you thought trump and the fascist republicans could not do much more to Citizens of this ...
KKGator comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I just can't anymore with all this bullshit.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
...the reason is because it is bigger than anything we have ever faced in this country! ALL NORMS...are suddenly not normal anymore! What is a person to do when the whole system supporting humanity is turned upside down?
Just when you thought trump and the fascist republicans could not do much more to Citizens of this ...
slydr68 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Disgusting waste of resources...
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
@dkp93 ...I will never believe it is only one class...that is only where the focus is at the moment! Humanity is made up of people, not is gays, LGBT and just anybody having sex outside of a ‘Christian Union,’ ...that is the short lost, it does not stop there, because it is a ‘state of consciousness!’ A state of compartmentalizated mind! They can hurt other people, because they can put it in the place in their mind, where it is justified!
A very sad thing indeed
undercoverpunk74 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
I wish he would just go away.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
Jim Bakker: God Personally Told Me He Sent Donald Trump to Delay the End Times – Friendly Atheist
JK666 comments on Jul 6, 2018:
Bakker is still full of shit. I wish he would join Tammy Faye in a nice dirt nap.
Freedompath replies on Jul 6, 2018:
These people seem to live way past ‘normal prime!’
A quote from an article published on one of my favorite current events sites: "The more we hear ...
EdEarl comments on Jul 5, 2018:
I'm sure many 45 supporters are terrible humans, psychopaths, who think it's fun to torture. However, the Milgram experiment suggests that some are led by authority, and when they realize their mistake, they will regret it. Some of the people who participated in Milgram suffered PTSD for years IIRC....
Freedompath replies on Jul 5, 2018:
I will try again, but I cannot get article, I keep getting Amazon wanting to give me gift card, which I just don’t need! And it will not allow me to pass!!!
Christian Group: Ben Jealous Thinks “Raw Naked Sex” Between Two Men is Marriage – Friendly ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 5, 2018:
This Ben person,must not know any gay men? Since sex is an act of nature, wouldn’t you think that people would not blow everything about it out of proportion?
Freedompath replies on Jul 5, 2018:
@icolan ...and since it does not affect them personally one way or the other, why do they care? I could care less what they do with their sexual nature as long as no one is harmed!
The middle path is the hardest road for a man to walk with grace I’ve spent my life in a cold ...
Lincoln55 comments on Jul 5, 2018:
We would like to think that we are steadfast on the road to enlightenment but then we wake up one day and realize we sure as Hell took a lot of detours. Thing is, the detours are what shaped us.
Freedompath replies on Jul 5, 2018:
And we would never choose them...they must be chosen for us by unknown devine order, However, that could be our own consciousness!
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Count_Viceroy comments on Jul 4, 2018:
What if they weren't really a "partner" but instead just laid still crying because I'm so bad at sex? Does that count?
Freedompath replies on Jul 5, 2018:
@AwarenessNow i think it might be a good idea to leave it here...because we may get so far off into the weeds, we might never find our way out! Lol
Naht Boot Uh Mauler He never felt the pain until the marrow seeped into the cracks and crevices ...
Freedompath comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Yes...just hard for this female to understand the ‘reward’ for such harsh body treatment, for sport! My warrior spirt...just never developed! I just hurt over the brain damage...that I imagine!
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@Lincoln55 very sad...I see now!
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Count_Viceroy comments on Jul 4, 2018:
What if they weren't really a "partner" but instead just laid still crying because I'm so bad at sex? Does that count?
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@AwarenessNow read weelittleone’s post above!
Just messing with this one.
Freedompath comments on Jul 4, 2018:
It seems to me that you can ponder all the ways a human being can be enslaved!
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@azzow2 new pic, too! Like!
Just messing with this one.
Freedompath comments on Jul 4, 2018:
It seems to me that you can ponder all the ways a human being can be enslaved!
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@azzow2 you are so right-on! Well, you must have ventured way out into the ‘great beyond?’
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Presley1209 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Wait, its been over a year since I have had sex with someone so I am a virgin again! Maybe that's one reason I have been in a funk lately.
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@fathercat Minors?...not like mining for gold or anything? Now we are bringing out what secrets your generation is holding on to!
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Count_Viceroy comments on Jul 4, 2018:
What if they weren't really a "partner" but instead just laid still crying because I'm so bad at sex? Does that count?
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@AwarenessNow wouldn’t that mean, he plucked somebody from somewhere? They were even crying! I thought that I understood men pretty well...but this is not fitting my acquired knowledge!
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Presley1209 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Wait, its been over a year since I have had sex with someone so I am a virgin again! Maybe that's one reason I have been in a funk lately.
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@fathercat ...and 20?
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Drsmash253 comments on Jul 4, 2018:
It's been so long I'm not sure I remember even how it goes
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
I am a firm is like riding a bicycle...once you get the ‘feel of it,’ it works like always! Lol
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
EricJones comments on Jul 4, 2018:
If you look at the ads on TV and in print sex is only for the young. The exception being ads for Viagra and Cialis. And they imply older men are all dysfunctional. All of this is a bunch of bunk.Studies have shown that older people who have sex (once a week or more) have less depression and are ...
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
Sex sells...for all that I know, hidden sexual messages are imbedded in just about every commercial! Lol Every stage of life has it’s seasons...why are some seasons promoted outside their norm? Just to plant subliminal messages...that ‘to be all that we can be,’ we must have sex and that thing, they are selling will bring on our lost excitement!
When did you last have sex with a partner? (A 50 and over confidential poll)
Count_Viceroy comments on Jul 4, 2018:
What if they weren't really a "partner" but instead just laid still crying because I'm so bad at sex? Does that count?
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
It counts for something...but ‘god knows’ what? The ‘partner’ part is where I got hung up!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@Beach_slim ...when did you start to judge people by YOUR image? There is not one single other person out here just like you!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@Beach_slim how is that working for you? ‘The proof is in the pudding!’ I can see past myself...can you?
Commie Pinko Nazi traitor
Freedompath comments on Jul 4, 2018:
Our whole democracy is just one big game now! Malignant is the only word that describes the current administration!
Freedompath replies on Jul 4, 2018:
@silverotter11 yes, trying to transition to another mind set...sticky!
DARK ETERNITY I am death with a baby's face A thief of life in a life of waste Another ...
Freedompath comments on Jun 28, 2018:
Wow! That revels our end...the one that awaits all!
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@OlinWest thank heavens we have not yet...seem the writing on the wall! See a lot of writing in old age, though!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@Beach_slim ...I never described myself as poor...I said I come from poverty and I learned skills there! You see the measure of a man/women is not his possessions and in that regard I am ‘well off!’ I wonder where you come from and what you learned there?
Just had to share this with everyone more hypocrisy I was talking to customer the other day and said...
Akfishlady comments on Jul 2, 2018:
Yep because believers never have sex. That is super lame.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
They are often caught with their ‘pants down’ too!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@Beach_slim ‘the blind leading the blind’...then don’t ‘lead’ walk beside people!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@Beach_slim I never at any point did I say I was ‘scared’ of my main focus is ‘human dignity’ in whatever physical state a person is in! AND...I stated clearly, that I have gained skills from that provety that will sustain me! I manage money well and it is the same way that I manage my life...well! In my lifetime (which is not promoted now), I have studied many disciplines and involved myself in many of them. And, I did learn that a person, cannot see in someone else, what he does not hold in his own nature! That is an impossibility! You seem to have an ‘outward’ focus and have not a clue about your own true nature! If you did, you would come from that place and it would be authenticly what you need...not telling others what they need, especially owing that you have little information to go on, about the other person! Guess work about human behavior can be dangerous!
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@Beach_slim I am not interested in getting into a currency discussion. I think that you are deflecting...if you are trying to inject fear here...I came from poverty! I have many skills from that up-bringing, that will be useful! I wonder what your concept of living ‘high on the hog,’ is? You must be watching too much I don’t know people who live ‘high off the hog!’ They are not in my circle! I accept your point of view, it just would not support my nature for the betterment of myself or my community! If it supports you, that is what matters here.
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 2, 2018:
@Beach_slim the poor here have not been living high on the hog! The middle class are just getting seem to completely disregard what it cost to live in this country! You cannot own a car without insurance, tags, taxes, in order to get to work as public transportation is limited outside big cities! My friend in Vietnam, tells me, they might eat your cat or dog, there! What on earth does this prove about living in America? As for the currency...we are not discussing that matter! If you focus and work one idea to a final conclusion you will learn more. I cannot solve the worlds problems, and I take on one thing at the! I suggest that you not work in Venezuela, because it seems beyond you...
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@Beach_slim we do not have the government nor economy of Venezuela? Why would you use that as a comparison for this country? My Dr’s sister-in-law came from Sweden where the tax was near 48% at that time, he ask her if she would prefer to be taxed less and she said no! That they want the elderly cared for and do not want people living on the streets! So we can go around the world and find all kinds of systems! But, I live here and for 78 years and also my g-grandmothers were Cherokee, so I have many roots here! You have a lot to learn yet...especially about putting labels on someone you know nothing about and seem to misunderstand the meaning of ‘entitlement mindset!’ I care for people less fortunate than I am...if it was a level playing field for people...then all would be has never been equal because life is not perfect nor equal! I was a nurse, I know stuff, that you will probably never learn and so I have experienced real people in their real life! Keep your wealth and kindness for yourself, because it looks like you are gonna need it!
Are we ready for the 4th?
patchoullijulie comments on Jul 1, 2018:
This really does describe exactly how I feel. ?
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
I can relate..,
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@Beach_slim ...are you aware of how many people live in this country that need to support themselves and maybe even have a few children to support as well? Are you aware of how many high paying jobs there are? Those are held by older workers, which at least have some asset accumulation or highly educated new workers! How can people starting out live on less than $25-30,000 a year? They do not ask you how much you make, when paying for utilities! The auto mechanic does not ask and the insurance people don’t pay the same as the rich person. Medical care is not based on your income and most small businesses do not cover health insurance! One office visit now would cripple the low income budget! Small businesses can’t afford health ins for employees! So what would you suggest that the lower income people at home or off their relatives or live homeless? It sounds like you are ok, with people who live ‘without money at all’ which is not my idea of how to support people in this country with food and shelter! Sure there are a few people who live close to the grid, but they are so few and far-in-between, you could not put them on a pie chart! They are an can’t support a population of people in this country in that manner! Your focus is very narrow ...explore the country and ck out how the lower income live. I nothing for fancy cars, jewelry, wear thrift store clothes, careful with utility consumption and live in RV and eat simple! But, I do not expect to live like a ‘yard dog’ a country with enormous wealth! No one should...that is the height of greed!
Charlene comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Explain your closing argument please..
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018: escape the violence and no-control police protection?
Why is it easier to believe 150,000,000 Americans are to lazy to raise themselves from poverty than ...
jlynn37 comments on Jun 29, 2018:
Conservative thinking does strange things to the brain, logic and reasoning.
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@Beach_slim you seemed to be ill informed on my statements! I would re-read what I have written here and see where you got lost. We sometimes get blinded by our own positions.
The Trump of Ancient Greece. This has happened before. ://
Mooolah comments on Jul 1, 2018:
Remember the militia movement prior to the Timothy McVeigh Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing? They are all in the Trump Cult trance. & any history we do teach anymore is superficial.
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
I am not sure ENOUGH history is being taught, now! Younger people seem to know little about history...maybe they shut it out, when it was being taught!
I joined this site because of the Title, Agnostic.
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I consider myself to be an agnostic, simply because I don’t write anything in stone and so if it was proven in some future time that god existed...I would have to accept facts! But, at this moment in time there is no rational reason to believe in a god! Of note here, I have suddenly come to think...
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@GodlessBastard a foot a younger day, I would quote statistics and people studying specific matters...but in these latter years, I look at the ‘big picture’ combining accumulated information obtained in my life time! So I really would not be a person that you could use all your figures on! That is not where I am in life! I don’t pour information into my brain...I hear it, then I will watch for other connecting information and eventually I will determine MY OWN idea on the matter! It seems to work as well as what other people are doing, who may come to a different conclusion, sometimes, I measure and cut the board to short...’you win a few and you loose a few!’
I joined this site because of the Title, Agnostic.
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2018:
I consider myself to be an agnostic, simply because I don’t write anything in stone and so if it was proven in some future time that god existed...I would have to accept facts! But, at this moment in time there is no rational reason to believe in a god! Of note here, I have suddenly come to think...
Freedompath replies on Jul 1, 2018:
@GodlessBastard I guess...from your judgment call, I am ‘intellectually dishonest,’ and for this moment in time, I will keep it that way! If something out of normal comes up...maybe you will get wind of it! I guess discussing deep intellectual ideas is not my forete...your level is out of my range of mental capacity.
Kids at it again they are making a trap for what they are going to catch is a mystery.
webbew1 comments on Jun 30, 2018:
My friends and I used to do that all the time when we were kids. We never caught shit. I think the local wildlife is safe.
Freedompath replies on Jun 30, 2018: would ‘shit’ get that high up to start with, ?
I want you all to know that a friend of mine - who voted for Trump - now sees the evil that's going ...
Freedompath comments on Jun 30, 2018:
...I have this theory, if there is one of anything, then it must be there must be more! Think about how it might feel, for a person to have been in this ‘spell,’ and gradually (maybe suddenly), be in an entirely different mind set! That would not be a comfortable place, at first!
Freedompath replies on Jun 30, 2018:
@EdEarl confirms my suspicion!


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