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LINK Britain's oldest cat 'brothers' Nikita and Leon, aged 21, are rehomed after social media campaign | Daily Mail Online

The brothers who are believed to be the oldest living cat siblings in the UK, are in good health and need a quiet new home.

snytiger6 9 Oct 13
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Those pesky UK animal fanatics. I remember when I was in London & found the UK ahead of the USA in animal protection activism. Success? Some but never enough.

Mooolah Level 8 Oct 13, 2020

How sweet!


My babies are too young for pets right now...

Both my grands came home to pet siblings and everything has been fine.

We always had pets around our 3 kids, & had cats before we even had the kids.

We had a farm when I was a kid & people constantly dropped off cats (way before "spay & neuter" was a thing). Most lived outdoors around the barns & pens, but one special fluffy one was my mom's favorite with a name even. Once I was admiring her latest litter (about age 6) & the next thing she was hanging off my face with her claws....i will never forget the sensation of her belly fur against my nose. I have disliked cats ever since. Your are Correct, keep your kids safe!

My family had a cat from my earliest memories, and evidently he was a part of the family long before I was.

@AnneWimsey Farm cats are usually bordering on feral. Even fully domesticated cats will protect their kittens. As a kid I ws told that when neighbor's cats had kittens that the mother cat would attack if you get too close. It's instinct.

It isnt' all that different for some mother dogs.

@AnneWimsey children are the most vulnerable in a family.. All decisions I make in my household are based on my children, so of course I'll protect my babies ☺ thanks for your suport 😘😘😄

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