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We are assuming we have just had one of our best friends pass. Lilly, the oldest of our cats has not been feeling good, I would hold her and she would purr, she was always near us and then the other day she just disappeared. Our home is a mess as we are getting ready to move. I went through everything, moving all the boxes, which are taped shut. We cannot find her, does anyone know something about how they move to die? We have gone through this before and we have always found the cat easily. Any thoughts would be great. There is no way to get outside, at least none that I know of except for the front door.

dalefvictor 8 Mar 17
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We had a cat that liked to climb into the underside of recliners, sofas and box springs. Check all drawers and cupboards too.

snytiger6 Level 9 Mar 19, 2021

Have you heard of the Elephant's Burial Ground? Maybe cats have a special place they go to die.

nicknotes Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

Have you found her? I once found my boston terrier closed inside my closet. She followed me so closely that when I opened the closet she stepped in and I didn't know. Until I couldn't find her thirty minutes later. I searched everyplace. When I finally picked up my care keys to search further afield I heard a little whimper from the closet.

freeofgod Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

Keep us posted. She is somewhere in the house. When she is hungry she will come out. If she is passing she may want to do it alone.

Mooolah Level 8 Mar 18, 2021

My oldest cat, Sweetie Pie disappeared for a whole week during the coldest month of the year. I was sure I would never see her again, but ten days ago, she stood on the kitchen porch, thin and complaining. No idea where she spent her time but, she is happily sleeping in my bed again. I hope that your Lilly will return.

Spinliesel Level 9 Mar 18, 2021

I recently did a housesit of two cats, one disappeared in a room full of boxes for two days. It briefly poked a head up when the other cat started calling for it but still wouldn't come out. Eventually to my relief on the third day it very rapidly came out when I called it by its nickname that I had only just been told of. It was then all over me like a rash and on my last morning at about 5am. started purring fit to wake the neighbours! Nicest of all was that after I left it spent an hour looking for me.

FrayedBear Level 9 Mar 18, 2021

Maybe you taped her up in a box

Susieq Level 7 Mar 18, 2021

Hope you find her.


Look in the most remote, darkest, quietest part of your basement. That's where I found my last cat, resting in peace.

BitFlipper Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

I have done the same.


I'm so sorry. My last cat would do the "hibernate to die" thing before she got too weak to move about, but she lived quite a while after that. She would go in corners behind desks, or in my closet and just stand with her head in the dark between the shelves but her body exposed, or under the bed. But I think she was experiencing a little dementia by then, too.

I don't think they look for a particularly complex place, just comfortable and quiet, kind of like when they go off to birth. I imagine it would be very haunting to not know where she is, or where she was when she died. She may wander back in view. At least I hope so, for your sake.

Lauren Level 8 Mar 17, 2021

Look under the water heater.

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 17, 2021

I have not had one that went off to die, mine were always kept in the house and usually helped along the path by a veterinarian when it was the right time. I'm so sorry for your loss at a time like this.

My concern is that Lilly is in the house, she has to be. We are concerned as we would like to properly take care of her.

@dalefvictor Hopefully if she is in a box she will make some noise. Mine get shut in closets or unused bedrooms frequently and don't make noise, which is annoying. If they are missing I shake their cat treats can and whisper for them, they usually come running, unless they have decided to be aloof. Good luck in finding your old girl, I hope you have a happy outcome and reunion.

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