20 14

We had to put our cat down today. He was a sweet old senior cat we adopted in November. He was in bad shape when we adopted him, but we gave him all the love and care we could to make his last days happy days. We hoped he would live longer then 5 months.
I know people i love mean well when they tell me i will see him again when i die, even though they know i don't believe in that. I don't really like it, but i can't be upset, because its all they know what to say to help me.

vivicawolf 3 Apr 1
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My new cat has feline leukemia which I have been told means he will only live 2 or 3 years. He arrived at my door and I have no idea how long he has had it, he may not last long either, but I will make him happy as long as I can just as you did. Hugs and wishes for keeping the good memories part.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 11, 2020

So sad 😢

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 11, 2020

Sorry for your loss. It's tough to lose a friend whose affection and trust we've just won. You gave him love ... and you can be sure he felt that. My lovely cat died too young a few months ago ... only twelve years old. All my cats are rescues.


First, I offer my condolences. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose a beloved animal.

Second, people definitely do NOT "mean well" when they say you will see him again when you die. They are choosing your moment of profound grief to shove their beliefs onto you-- as if it's all about them. That is the exact opposite of meaning well. Ask them how they'd feel if they'd lost a loved one and you came at them with "Wouldn't this be a great time to discard your delusions in favor of a more reality-based world view?" Only a heartless sod would do that, and that's what they did with you.

Third, there's a Facebook group for folks like us. It's called "Grief Beyond Belief Pet Sector" [] . Here we share our loss with others who won't push their Rainbow Ridge bullshit onto us.

Fourth, as a cat rescuer, I'm always glad when someone adopts an old cat . They deserve to live their final days with someone who will give them the love they deserve. I can't tell you how many I've gotten off death row.

Finally, I don't know if you'll get any consolation from this: when they leave, they take a big part of us with them, but leave an even bigger part of themselves behind, and we are the better for it.

Thank you very much. I will also make sure to check out that facebook group.

I just noticed that the link to the Facebook group didn't work, so I've fixed it.


Had to do the same thing with out dog. Its never easy, but is more humane, thoughtful and compassionate than how we humans are allowed to deal with it...

Jon_Frum Level 5 Apr 3, 2020

Most sorry for your loss.

I am sure you made his last days as pleasant as possible.

You are one of the good people.

Thank you so much


Sad 😢when you have to do that

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 1, 2020

Sorry for your loss.

Frctnal Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

Sorry for your loss

Ladydiana Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

so, so sorry for this loss.....he looks so much like one we had for many years. She made it to 20-ish. I love to hear about the "senior" cats who find loving, caring homes - even if it is not for very long. Kudos. 🙂 🙂

Lavergne Level 8 Apr 1, 2020

OH! What a pretty baby! Sir Rito would have been as fluffy if he wasn't such a goober and liked to pull his hair out. lol


How beautiful he was & how lucky to be found by you. Hugs


So understand your loss. Another is awaiting you in homage to your old man. There are grieving assist sites on FB & elsewhere. Heal soon.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 1, 2020

He was a beautiful cat , I know you will miss having him with you . Hugs , Hon .

Cast1es Level 9 Apr 1, 2020

He looks like a wonderful guy... So sorry you had to put him down ☹️


I've had to put a few cats down. I always stand with the vet and hold them tight when they take their last breath. It's very sad but I feel it's my responsibility to be with them to the end.

I have a wonderful vet, she came to our home and spent some time with him and us, and she was so kind and patient, she even made us little paw prints when it was over. I keep saying that we have to do something nice for her and the staff.


It is a fact that animals pass and we cannot think of life without them. I remember with joy all our children as they have come and gone just spending a little time with us. We cannot but be better people for this. Though it brings a sadness it becomes an opportunity to be chosen again for another friend to become a child of ours. Every time I hear of the passing of some pet I am reminded of how much better my life has been because of them. I am sorry for your loss.

Thank you


At least he had the start of a smile in the photo.
I suggest that he will live on in your memory for a long long time as you cherish the enrichment of your life that he gave.
I suspect that there is not a week goes by that I do not recall my old companion put down 14 months ago.


So sorry for your loss. Senior or not he was beautiful.

Booklover Level 7 Apr 1, 2020

He was. Its funny that when we adopted him he was such a grumpy old man, and with all the care and love we gave him he turned into a really sweet cat.


Sorry for your loss. I always take the offer of condolence in the spirit given and try not to read anything more into it.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 1, 2020

I try not to. Maybe the grief is just making me a little crazy.


Sorry for your loss, and yes, they are trying to offer some comfort when they say you will see him again. At least the intent is good.

It is good intent. I think my own grief is making everything... I dono... I think I'm just sensitive...

@vivicawolf Better than not being able to feel anything at all.

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