In a recent Oval Office interview, President Trump indicated he will insist that drug tests be administered before next month’s first presidential debate between he and Joe Biden, claiming (without evidence), that the sudden improvement in Biden’s last primary debate performance - may very well be attributed to drugs administered to him before the debate.
Drug tests? Great idea Mr President! Hell, the debate’s moderator could start everything off - by directing both candidates to pee into a cup behind their podiums. Of course, as usual - we’ll insist Mexico pay for all the testing. And, while we’re at it, Biden should demand they also get STD tested. That ought to shake things up in the Trump camp a bit.
Of course, an argument could be made that anyone who still supports Donald Trump at this stage of the game, is definitely on something that is affecting their judgement. All I know is, if Biden really was on some sort of drug, perhaps he should possibly consider switching to whatever the hell Don Jr. was on the other night.
There will probably be no debate, neither one is up to it.
I totally agree with that analysis!
Drug tests? Great idea trump...
LETS SEE YOUR TAX RETURNS while we're insisting on things...
All kidding aside, I will not be surprised if we don't see any debates between these two because they each have good reasons to avoid the debates. It would not be unprecedented in modern times, either....
Guess he wants to know how much adderall Joe can share.
My guess is Joe is on Adderall or Aricept and maybe some other prescription meds for geezers. Trump may be on those as well as a street drug or two. Trump is probably too vain to take Adderall, but not Viagra...
@TomMcGiverin Hope he walks out on stage with a boner, of course no one would be able to see it, way to small.
He need not look far for a drug test candidate - Donnu Jr looked ripped on some uppers/ coke .
He sure did......
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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