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You want to make abortion 'unthinkable'? Here’s where to start.

QuidamOutrepont 8 July 3
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Yup makes sense to me

bobwjr Level 10 July 3, 2019

Denver took care of this issue;


Robecology Level 9 July 3, 2019

Isn't this a fair question?

Why make (even begin to make) a baby you don't want?

St-Sinner Level 9 July 3, 2019

People love to fuck maybe..

@Charlene I say.. fuck responsibly, but please fuck.

@St-Sinner why bless your heart.

You're assuming all people, especially young people, think rationally. Adolescent psychologist David Elkind introduced the idea that adolescents operate under a personal fable which tells them that they are unique. Other people get pregnant when they're not planning to, but they won't. I've known several seamingly mature intelligent single women get pregnant at the most inconvenient times.

@Jamesd Karma will come with responsibilities. If these people have spent time with infants and babies they would understand how vulnerable and yet how adorable and miraculous they are. I am ultra progressive on all issues and was highly pro choice until my daughter was born. I cannot even remotely imagine why people would even think of doing harm to a beautiful human organism. Fuck but take responsibility. I am for all kinds of birth control but not for aborting a developing life inside a womb. Living in a society of laws is not with unlimited freedoms. Abortion to me is a Jungle and barbaric behavior.

@St-Sinner so Forcing Women to Live By Your Terms is Hunky-Dory? Your self righteousness is underwhelming..

@Charlene being a woman does mean a senseless freedom, it does not mean fuck and abort. A woman must know fertility comes with a lot of responsibility.

Women have all the freedom they need but not to have sex and kill. Have sex and fulfill responsibility. You can take all precautions.... use birth control pills, use condoms, have sex plenty but do it sensibly. Be a good human being and don't kill a life in the womb.

Rape and incest are exceptions with the biological father to serve jail terms and pay for maintenance for 18 years.

@St-Sinner why how wonderfully Whiemansplained that rebuttal was..thanks sooo much for the belittlement of 2/3 of the population, your largess needs to be noted for historical references.

@Charlene Million flies eat shit, that don't make it right. Women's freedom is good but often it is taken to the extreme. Cigarette smoking started in the name of women's lib and we know now what the consequences were. There are good things and there are no so good things. We cannot get carried away by everything that is said in the name of freedom. I do not know how killing a life in your body is good by any measure for any human being, let alone for a woman who will be a mother- the moral anchor of the child some day.

Why is a human sacrifice bad today that was a widely socially accepted practice one time? Anyone speaking against it would lose the head in those days. The Teotihuacans in Mexico would sacrifice a child every day to the rain God and the tribe would take the body to the child's home and feast off it with celebrations. It was so well accepted for over a century. Why is so repulsive and abhorrent today?

A bad thing would not change to good because you want it to be an accepted practice today. Human conscience does not change with the times. You can suppress it, you can fool it but you cannot change it.

@St-Sinner again your white man opinion is not needed nor wanted. The only time men have a right to voice their thoughts is IF the Child is Yours and only then IF the woman involved Asks's Not Your Body, it's Not Your You Whitemansplaining Your Beliefs on Abortion is an Unwelcome intrusion into a personal and distressing decision.

@Charlene I disagree because it is not that simple. When you live in a society that has a democratic government, where all people pay taxes that provide you protection and services, the society will have laws and rules. The laws and rules will be based on behavior of morality welfare, decency and been approved by the representatives in the democracy. Nobody can behave any way he or she wants. I agree that mandate cannot come from church leaders and social leaders but from the government of the people because anarchy, lawless behavior and high immorality will affect the children of today and of tomorrow which is the future of our very existence as a strong, healthy and successful society. We are not going to behave like the barbaric Amazonian or African tribes. There will be no killing of human fetuses. If two people make a fetus, they will take responsibility for it. Thou shalt not kill it.

@St-Sinner ahhhj the old biblebelter has come out...really?
Btw nowhere in the holy book of fables is abortion mentioned..NO Where..get thee behind me Hypocrit!

@Charlene No Bible, no religion here. We can fuck all that. I am talking about being good human beings and doing the right thing. This transcends everything - religion, time, era, traditions, customs, opinions. Being a good human being is not that hard. All I am saying is if you start a baby, don't kill it.

@St-Sinner that's your opinion..


Amen sister!💓

Charlene Level 9 July 3, 2019

Argh. I just had a guy mansplaining to me today that just because I have a uterus and he doesn’t...
Those old white men in power, and the oh so holy evangelicals, don’t want to hear truth, reason, and common sense. Can’t win elections and control women with that!

All women's problems issue from floating wombs, correct? 💥

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