9 6

I’m still a registered Democrat, and I want to see Trump deposed in the election. But I also want a president who’ll address the systemic problems or our classist, racist society. Bernie is that guy. Bloomberg is not. Shaun King tells it about Bloomberg.


Bobbyzen 8 Feb 18
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"Doesn't matter who" or "whoever" is not an answer. America needs to be repaired, not set into the image Trump and his minions have made of the country. Moderating the situation the country is in now -- which is what "moderates" want to do by definition -- will only cement in all the crappy precedents and attitudes Trump has introduced and that many, many people have learnt to put up with.

Garbonza Level 6 Feb 18, 2020

Whoever wins gets my vote there can be no other way . Any of them can save our country from dictatorship

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 18, 2020

I am a Democtatic Socialist but I am not sending any presidential candidate any money or voting in the primary. I will vote for and support whoever gets the nomination.

We will survive another Trump presidency but we will not survive another Republican controlled Senate so I am spending my treasure and time on the senate.[]

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 18, 2020

Not sure if the world will survive another term of Trump at all. Four more years of actively destroying democratic institutions and the institutional knowledge that goes with them will piss off a great many experts running the world who might just say, "It's dog-eat-dog from now on" and take up pumping gas instead of shouldering the burden of fixing all the fuck-ups and rapine the destroyers or those who don't care have dumped on everyone. Destroying crucial alliance networks is almost accomplished already, along with undermining conservation and promoting environmental destruction bound to continue even under "moderate" government. If your reformed Senate can oust him immediately that would be a different story -- but I don't think they would, out of a misguided sense of loyalty to the office, as they say.

@Garbonza a different President and the same Congress will result in nothing getting fixed. McConnel stopped almost everything Obama tried to do.

@Lorajay solution: vote them all out & install term limits!


Vote blue no matter who... No need to debate 😊😋😜

Eventually. But let’s vet the nominees first. A Bloomberg candidacy will lose Democrats votes from the black and Latinx community.


At this point in history I don't want to divide my attention between two goals. I want to see Trump gone. That will stop the hemorrhaging of our freedoms. If we can stop the hemorrhaging, and have a functioning democracy, then we can look for a leader to bring us back from the ashes. Trump would crucify Bernie in the election.

BitFlipper Level 8 Feb 18, 2020

Head-to-head polls have Bernie beating Trump. Just look at the number of people who turn out at Bernie’s rallies and, so far, who’ve voted for him in the primaries!

@Bobbyzen uh huh. Bernie supporters love Bernie.

When was the last time we had a “functioning Democracy”? Corporations have been writing our laws for decades, from how much chemical toxins we’re allowed to ingest “safely” to banking and finance and weapons and war spending and rules. George W Bush took us into Iraq based on phony intelligence. Obama ran on a promise to hold that administration accountable AND to shut down the extra-legal prison in Guantanamo Bay, neither of which happened. Obama also deported 3 million immigrants, and Escalated the criminalization, caging, and separation of children. Sure, Trump has escalated all of the ills, and is a pox on America. But replacing him with another oligarch or corporate hack won’t restore a functioning democracy.

@Bobbyzen keep talking. No matter what you say I will never worship Bernie, and I will refuse to vilify Obama. This is politics, not a Dr. Seuss story.

@BitFlipper if by “vilify” you mean staying his record, then you made your choice to enable the oligarchs and corporate donor base. Which is how we got Trump in the first place.

@Bobbyzen it has become obvious that you are not here to debate. You are here to abuse and offend. I won't be seeing any future responses from you.

@BitFlipper ignore me, block me. I’m not abusing, I’m publishing the record.

Cite that source, please, I see nothing but the exact opposite!


Bloomberg needs to go..hopefully Bernie and Elizabeth will eviscerate him in the debates..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 18, 2020

Here's the thing. Trump and his minions are eating our confusion up and laughing hard at all the "in-fighting" going on to produce a candidate.

...and if we don't unite fast, and firm...Trump will not only have his 4 more years....he'll be immune from prosecution (for all the financial BS he was being charged with...that has an "expiration date of 2022).

I recommend you buy the 1-20-21 pin. Wear 'em and share 'em. I'm on my 3rd dozen. Pins "enable" voters.

Robecology Level 9 Feb 18, 2020

Why does it have to Bernie or Bloomberg... none of which is electable? Nobody in the Democratic Party candidates is currently electable. The Democratic Party leadership has nourished the Trump monster with their stupid actions. Trump is assured to be re-elected in 2020. We have offered his easy re-election on a silver platter.

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 18, 2020


@Bobbyzen Not yet. November 2020 will tell when my words will ring true. I will be here to remind you all who have been living in a la la land.

@St-Sinner I’ve read a lot of your political stuff, who you oppose. I don’t remember reading about who you support. Who DO you support?

@Bobbyzen See I have answered this question multiple times on posts where you and I have been debating. But this common with people lost n books, articles and education. You do not read what is important but you keep mentioning data, articles, books, education, intelligence that means nothing to voters. The liberals have lost the fight of connecting with voters at large because they have been labeled as elites with the habit you are are perpetuating.

@St-Sinner So who do you support?

@Bobbyzen You must take the time to read.. []

@St-Sinner, @Bobbyzen don't raise your blood pressure, this mealy-mouthed weasel will never give you a straight answer, never......

@AnneWimsey Agreed. I no longer engage with that dude. I will post a comment but I will no longer go back and forth with him 😎😉

You are into making grand pronouncements and predictions (without offering any basis for them), and say none of the current Democrat candidates is electable. So, if we're talking democracy, I deduce you are saying name recognition is the only option, making little details like policies totally irrelevant. So, which one is it, Oprah or Michelle Obama? Otherwise, name someone more "famous" or "popular" if that's the sole criterion.


agreed. I want the systemic issues addressed.

  • get rid of lobbying. the acceptable amount of bribes is ZERO. no trips, no gifts, no donations.
  • make all political campaigns the same as they do in Britain. shorten them up, standardize the coverage, and fund it all publicly.
  • term limits!!!
  • strict enforcement of laws and regs regarding insider trading. that "profit" doesn't come from thin air. congressmen get rich that way and the money ends up coming from retiree investment funds.
  • NO hiring ex-wall streeters by the SEC.
  • tons more items but this is a start.
JeffMesser Level 8 Feb 18, 2020

A pretty good start. The first start is making not voting against the law. Change the vote to one man one vote.

Get rid of lobbying? How would you begin to do that? You're dreaming....and just being unreal.

@Robecology unreal? so anything with high ideals is simply "unreal"?
of course you can get rid of lobbying ... or at least drive it into the alleys and then convict people.

@JeffMesser Start with getting stay-at-home voters out. Then work on getting rid of "Citizen's United".

Do you grasp what a "pipe dream" is?


@Robecology I understand the dilemma after working on the Hill in the 80's. but merely abandoning the idea or culture of no influence is most certainly not the answer (which is what we're doing now). it's NOT a coincidence that most of Congress is millionaires now or soon will be. there exists a permissive attitude about it all provided you do your proper paperwork and don't get caught. I'd follow the greek thoughts about dorms and unis along with term limits and a complete bar to all gifts vice a yearly limit. everything is a pipe dream until you do it. then it's totally tubular after you find the source.

@morlll one PERSON one vote, thankyuvurrymuch

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