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Trump Wants to Cut Taxes to Battle the Coronavirus

Donald Trump attacked Democrats at a mass rally a few days ago in South Carolina, telling the crowd that the coronavirus is under control, all the hysteria around it is simply “a hoax,” and that the Administration is considering more tax cuts to counter the coronavirus’ effect on the economy.

Whew! I’m sure the American public is relieved to learn all this coronavirus stuff is just a hoax. And you know what, that tax cut idea of his just might work. Why, it’s long been known in certain medical circles that viruses can’t survive very long without a strong tax revenue stream from billionaires.

And, it’s it turns out it’s not just viruses that are affected. In fact, I have a rotator cuff injury from the gym, and the doctor told me flat-out, that about the only thing that can be done with such a serious injury - is to cut taxes for the billionaires. All I can say is, these Trump people really know their medicine.


johnnyrobish 8 Mar 1
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I remember my stink o meter going off when Regan first pushed the trickle down theory, stating all the extra money those fortune 500 companies made would mean jobs for Americans. Fast forward to Bush 2 , and I remember reading a report in a major news magazine , where not one single one of the listed fortune 500 companies had created a single new job within the US borders in over 15 years.
Tax cuts for rich and corporations do nothing but make the rich richer

wolf041 Level 7 Mar 5, 2020

Ah gee come on folks King Don of Mar-a-Logo, a man of unmatched wisdom whose gut is smarter than anyone else's brain, is taking a multi-pronged approach to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) hoax.

  1. Cut taxes and inflate the stock market. When the tax cut shows up on your 2021 refund you will be able to run right out and buy a mask or pay a little on your medical bill for treatment for the virus. And the stock market will blow up like a balloon because with the rush to buy masks consumer spending will fuel a resurgence of the markets. After all if the stock market is up the virus will be washed away by all the trickle down falling on you.
  2. Mikey Pence is in charge of combating the virus hoax. After screening any/all scientific information regarding the virus, it's spread and prevention he will pray. Pray it away. We have his God on our side. And we will be as safe as children in classrooms, people attending church, concerts or shopping at Walmart.
  3. Mick and the Enablers will sing the "American People will never fall for this hoax" song - denying all that is happening around them. And the social media trolls will make up conspiracies for the MAGA crowd.
  4. Don, Jr. will add his knowledgeable voice to the conversation. Verifying that his study of the situation only confirms what daddy said, "It is a hoax and the media and Democrats are out to get daddy".
  5. And using his proven approach to natural disasters King Don will transfer funds from defending against the virus to the much more important threat on our southern border and his wall (Mexico will pay for the wall - not now but some day).
    Every thing is under control. The Trumplicans and their media, talking heads and trolls know what to say, "a hoax spread by Democrats and never Trumper deep state actors.
    The Coronavirus doesn't stand a chance.
ArthurK Level 6 Mar 2, 2020

#45.will do whatever it takes to keep his poll numbers up.



Charlene Level 9 Mar 2, 2020

Cut taxes and Medicaid, so the poor can die off, quicker.

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