8 3

She is someone I’ve admired and is still my second choice, but this article seems accurate. I really am open to defenses of her because I want to like her again.


Rudy1962 9 Mar 2
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Not at all "more honest," in fact a noted flip-flopper & very poor fact -checker, at best. Too shrill to be electable, as recent polls & caucuses make clear.
You are drinking the same KoolAid as St Sinner & drumpy!...just because you wish it was true, and state it is true, doesn't make it true!


Warren supports Bernie's positions, is smarter than Bernie, is more honest, and more electable. Now throw your bombs.

More honest? Really?


Showing a severe lack of character IMO as the "going gets rough". No thanks!


They are all politicians.


We'll have to wait and see what she does after tomorrow's vote..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 2, 2020

I will always like her as I feel she is a genuine person and does stick up for the little guy. I believe she would make a great President! I wanted her to be our nominee, but it looks like the people are speaking to who they want leading the party. I will vote for whoever comes out on top for the Democratic Party.


Considering the source, you’re right to question the validity of the information. If you look at the points raised, however, they are accurate. For example, Bernie did in fact want to eliminate super delegates and let the elected delegates decide the nominee base on voters’ primary choice. That he supported the DNC rule that super delegates have no vote on the first ballot but let them vote in a second ballot was the only option the DNC offered. He has not changed his position on that. The DNC was then and continues to bank on the fact that nobody will have a majority of delegates on the first ballot, so they can decide on the nominee on the second ballot. As well, Warren has indeed abandoned her pledge to refuse Super PAC money. You can fact check yourself...

Bobbyzen Level 8 Mar 2, 2020

She was never bad but the republican trolls are out in force disinformation in rampant be careful

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 2, 2020
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