10 6

I started with number 4 and I'm now a 1. And you?

NHjulie 8 Apr 21
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I like the idea of having the Art Studio in House #5, but I can paint outside for the Summer so I'm going to go with House #2.

TO_BY Level 7 Apr 23, 2020



#3 but no coffee bar (hot chocolate bar instead) and lots of little dogs (and cats).

EricJones Level 8 Apr 22, 2020

I'm happiest in my 31ft class A RV with full solar and lithium Ion batteries and the Ability to spent 30 days in the middle of nowhere


Currently 1 & 4


My day is 90% computer interaction; here, on Facebook, and on Words with friends - and occasional Email. I'm trying to cook simply and eat wisely; maintaining a decent weight for my height. No pets, the only TV is the music channel; no ads. just smooth Jazz. I do get out almost every day for an hour, and bike ride 6 to 9 miles...nice quiet trails near my home.
so to sum up; my home;
Home/house #7?
decent Library/Kindle fire.
Good computer connection/laptop
no pets
No drugs
light food
only music (until 9 PM...then I turn on Maddow).

Robecology Level 9 Apr 21, 2020

I'm doing OK:
Freezer full of Schwans frozen food
Plenty of popcorn
Weight bench and dumbbells from 3 pounds to 90 pounds.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 21, 2020

2 describes my house!


House 1, please. 🙂


I started as house 2 on my farm, now in house 1 with one cat.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Apr 21, 2020
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