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It's almost as if he never existed...

OldMetalHead 9 Apr 30
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The kingdom that is not of this world was appropriated and brought down to earth.

I guess it never stood a chance.

brentan Level 8 Apr 30, 2020

Jesus hasn't been as you describe him since at least the 2nd century. He was the god of the wealthy religions since Constantine.

Theresa_N Level 8 Apr 30, 2020

That's the repub-liar Jesus.

Eirteacher Level 7 Apr 30, 2020

prosperity theology - Constantine the Great saw it as a way to stay in power as Emperor of Rome in the 300's
anti-science - That was the case from day 1.
limited government - That was the case from day 1. The compelling message was that there was a king, Jesus Christ, more powerful than the Roman Emperor.

BD66 Level 8 Apr 30, 2020

>anti-science - That was the case from day 1.

Don't mind me. I'm just zapping miracles right and left. Could I interest you in a talking snake? A stroll across my swimming pool? Got to go. I got to cast demons out of people.

@SanDiegoAirport "They"? I was quoting BD66. Did he go plural on us? I was about to get long winded and quote him again. Got a fresh batch of steam now.

>The compelling message was that there was a king, Jesus Christ, more powerful than the Roman Emperor.

But don't forget to pay your taxes to the emperor, because the emperor is in charge of printing the money. It's his money, give him some back in taxes.

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