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Texas is heading for a big second wave

OldMetalHead 9 May 16
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Overwhelmed by Ignorance .

GEGR Level 7 May 17, 2020

But......their stupidity is literally killing the sensibles in this world (well, I should say US) since other countries are seeming to deal with this in a reasonable, sensible manner.

Justme43 Level 7 May 16, 2020

You haven't encountered our local brains who think that wearing masks is dangerous!

@OldMetalHead My grandson refers to those suffering from massive stupidity as "fillers"; beings simply filling in the spaces between those with common sense. I like to also add those of even a lower level, as "spacers", just using up precious oxygen needed by those of any significance. 🤣



FrayedBear Level 9 May 16, 2020

You got that right! Just look at those dumbasses marching on the state capitals. You see any blacks or Hispanics in there? Fuck no, just dumb uneducated white trash.


Tsunami of stupid actually and it starts at the top


death cures stupid

glennlab Level 10 May 16, 2020

That’s about what it will take to cure it. Anything less will be rationalized away

I certainly hope it invades the big house we pay for in washington dc and cleans out the criminally stupid that lurk there.

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