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Have as much safe & consentual sex as possible.

scurry 9 May 21
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Scurry, but I don't want any sex at all. So keep it between you and whoever is your consensual partner, not telling me about your sexual exploits.

Theresa_N Level 8 May 21, 2020

@actofdog Catholic guilt ?

@actofdog Tell more dirty jokes.

Before I got married, Petunia said she envisioned married life included telling dirty jokes on Saturday night. To keep her happy, I e-mail her dirty jokes whenever I can find them. After 16 years of marriage, I'm running a low on dirty jokes.

>Scurry, but I don't want any sex at all.

He offered? I must have missed that. If you have been following my posts/replies you'd know there seems to be a surplus of willing consensual women in Dixie. Maybe all the unwilling women stayed in the north judging from how often I hear Yankee guys complaining about what a long time it's been for them.

BTW, all I want you for is ballast in the front of my canoe. I seek out interesting traveling companions and Petunia tips over the canoe.

@actofdog Back longer than I want to admit, I remember reading the Playboy joke editor said he kept getting contributions that weren't NEW dirty jokes

Hey, you know what, @Theresa_N...? Eff-Off.
Read the group description and get a feel for the group before you join and try to implient your "pius morals" on the rest of us who, by the way, have been a part of this group for ages.
And don't get your panties in a twist over a meme.
Don't like it? Keep on scrolling. I don't need your preachy, holier-than-thou BS.

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