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Ain't it funny

glennlab 10 June 3
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Isn't that the truth!!!

They have a flawed reporting system (I call it a "snitch" system...) .they call it "reporting" but I've been accused of "spam" (never "spammed" ) not following community standards ( yea, right) and etc.

What happens is this.

You "offend" someone.

They click on "Report". Then there's "snooze ____ for 30 days.... they/you can click that...the FB "gestapo" never questions them/you. Then there's "Block" and "hide" - which of course your upset FB "friend" clicks because he doesn't want you to know that (S)he was the one who falsely "reported" you in the first place.

In my case - I'm almost sure I know who my "nemesis" is....a brother who's gone over to the "dark" side (is a #trumpster and #religulous)

The point I'm making is...come chat here.

Avoid FB. Their ads are increasingly annoying (no ads here) and the people there increasingly "offensive" and "easy to offend"... and will lie about you to get you off FB...or in FB jail...

Robecology Level 9 June 3, 2020

Been there done that.


Hell I get them all the time for posting anti-KKK or anti-Nazi memes... They flag them, I contest them, they admit they got it wrong and put them back up...., But I am still in Assbook jail for 30 days....


Happened to me. FUCK ZUK.

Eirteacher Level 7 June 3, 2020

Yes, that is a oxymoron.

freedom41 Level 9 June 3, 2020

Heard of quite few.

FrayedBear Level 9 June 3, 2020

Its arbitrary decisions don't make sense. I got banned for writing the word SCHMUCK.

OldGoat43 Level 9 June 3, 2020

Oh My God, You used the "S" word!

@BD66 Zuckerberg's ancestry was shaken by my Grandfather's word.

There was a time when that word would get a show shut down....50 years ago

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