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Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 21
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I can think of only two possible reasons; neither of them flattering. Either the event coordinators required or encouraged people to congregate around the stage to create the illusion of a large crowd for the photo op, or people were free to sit wherever they wanted and chose to stand shoulder to shoulder and spit potentially infectious bigotry into one another's unmasked faces in order to be close to their fureur. The presence of a few trumpeters in the upper level suggests the latter explanation.

Ludo Level 7 June 22, 2020

and only a few were wearing their masks


Reading this meme is the hight light of my day so far.

freedom41 Level 9 June 21, 2020

By now over 300 people have agreed with you on that one post....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz No doubt.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz not on this site. Is there truth in the rumour that they are hiring carboard cut outs from "Rent a Crowd"?

@FrayedBear One of the four times I posted it on Facebook... The total number of reactions was about 500 and over 100 shares...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz not bad.

@FrayedBear []

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