3 11

Not a fan of Biden but this meme is me every time I post on here 😂

1EarthLovingGal 7 Aug 8
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Uncle Touchy might want to feel God up before killing him.

Ummm... This isn't about trump...

@Cutiebeauty some folks make everything about trump. 😒


I am a Biden fan and I think this is fucking stupid, for numerous reasons. Biden wouldn't say that. There is no god to kill. Mr. Fucking Orange-Face uses dumb shit like this to further his own cause. Why contribute to Mr. Fucking Orange-Face's cause? I'm all about political satire but this just isn't funny on any level. Soap box exited.

@1EarthLovingGal don't feed the trolls lmao..

@1EarthLovingGal yeah yeah yeah, I'm as funny as the next guy, maybe more so. I just don't think this is the time in history to give the misogynist, racist, douche bag ANY help! Because dickwad will use anything he can to stay in the office! Meme or otherwise. Don't mean to be a killjoy, there's just too much at stake. Be funny like that on November 4th! If dickwad wins, this site may not exist anymore! He is a killer of free thought, free speech, right to protest, etc. Ya feel me? Btw, this doesn't offend me. World hunger offends me. This is just not a good idea. The care bear pic wouldn't show up on ass face's radar.

@1EarthLovingGal Sad that you find it funny. I like Biden. I hate/fear/loathe Trump. Obviously you feel the opposite. If you're an "earthLovingGal" you'll realize Joe loves the earth a lot more than DJT.

@1EarthLovingGal Which makes you a Trump default.



Sharps 45-70....

@1EarthLovingGal Woohoo!

@Lizard_of_Ahaz interesting choice.

A chick Road Trip with a mission! Count me in.

@wolf041 I like a bit of stopping power...

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