The Hobbit union called and said if you do they are revoking your membership....
I believe their hobbit-laws allow for additions, but no substitutions and never eliminations, for any meal related changes. LOL
reminds me of..
Everyone needs a bracer when they first get up,
no one can deny a person a mid morning pick me up,
You've got to have three or four with lunch to make it go down,
a mid afternooner is a welcome relief,
and a quiting time salute is a must,
but this business of sip, sip sip all day long has got to stop.
@glennlab Sounds like manufactured American humor. Origins are unknown. See: []
@WonderWartHog99 Pretty much the reason I left it unattributed, after all you can lead a cat to water but you shouldn't take any wooden nickles.
@glennlab Wooden nickles cost more than a nickle. One should always take them.
BTW, because I feed my tom cat, Percy, in the kitchen he assumes that if I'm in the kitchen he better get his food and water while the getting is good. While I'm washing dishes, there's Percy. Fix Petunia a bowl of cereal, there's Percy. Pass through the kitchen on route to the restroom, there's Percy.
Once I've taken a whiz in the restroom, I turn around and there is Percy with a wide eyed look. He wants to see me flush the toilet. As far as he's concerned, I've lead him to water but flush first.
@glennlab you brought your A game today!
@Stilltrying1964 thanks
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.