30 12

What a drag it is getting old.

EricTrommater 9 Feb 11
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And now, "Mother's Little Helper", is stuck in my head.
Gettin' old ain't for pussies.

KKGator Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

Could be worse. Could be Paint it Black.Once that guitar solo with the whistle get stuck in your head it's there for good!

@EricTrommater And there it is! Thanks ever so... 😉

Quality jams right there.

@KKGator one of my many talents.

Did someone say 'pussy'?


I've never acted my age. Had a baby at 42. Broke all the norms and continue to do so.

No wonder that you use 'sassygirl3869'...I guess that number is your age in the future?

no its my childhood phone number


I love being old! The pressure is off and I can live life on my own terms and no one cares!

Fidget Level 5 Feb 11, 2018

No matter what age any adult person is they have already lived longer than the vast majority of people who have ever lived. That is something to be proud of.

Michaelx7 Level 4 Feb 11, 2018

I WOULDN'T KNOW....I am not there.

DUCHESSA Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Better than the alternative.

JanGarber Level 7 Feb 11, 2018



If you haven't matured by 50, you don't have to.

Lucy_Fehr Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Good advice


If a woman crosses her legs while sneezing or coughing it is not funny! Jus sayin!

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

The alternative is worse ... and final.

evergreen Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

I can't kick the bucket until I have crocheted all 50,029 saved patterns on my computer.

sandyw1952 Level 6 Feb 11, 2018

Yes, I have so many unfinished projects, I can't die. EVER! Crochet, curtains, household decor, quilts, knitting, cross stitch, and more projects get added as needed.


Well, hopefully you will get E-V-E-N older! It is a shock to wake up one morning and realize that you are on another phase of your life. One that looks and seems different somehow, but you still seem to be the same person on the inside. If you want to keep abreast of things, you simply must reinvent yourself...something is out of kilter and does not fit you, now! I have done this several times and it can hurt to shed the old skin and put on another one! But each new skin fits so much better than the previous one...that you have no regrets about the work that it took to grow your newest skin!

How realist of you. 😀

@EricTrommater fun is not like normal people, movies, games, parties and Disney World lol...I am looking for the serious underbelly of humanity...and enjoying the search to boot!


I have figured out that only the tough get old. I look around me and way too often I am the oldest one in the room. Not used to that.


I'm told I don't look a day over 50. However, parts of me feel 90.

I was told that too! Problem is, I'm 47.

Yeah, I'm still hot, it just comes in flashes.


Getting old really does suck, but I don't want to stop.

JimG Level 8 Feb 11, 2018

Not old- ripe.
I look at Keith Richards and think: hey, I don't have that many wrinkles; I am good.

Spinliesel Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

I look at it a little differently: the entirety of life is a journey, and each step of the way is an experience of its own. I've experienced being an infant, a child, an adolescent, a teenager, young adult, mature adult...and now I'm experiencing being old. It's not the best stage physically, but it has its attractions. It's all interesting. And each stage has its own lessons to teach me.

marga Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

The old Irish comedian, Dave Allen summed it up the best

"If you think old age is bad, consider the alternative"

BanjoTango Level 5 Feb 11, 2018

You gotta OWN IT! I love my age. I'm the best me I've ever been, at least mentally and emotionally. Physically, not so much, but I'm not complaining.

BeeHappy Level 9 Feb 11, 2018


birdingnut Level 8 Feb 12, 2018

Who's old?

Charlene Level 9 Feb 11, 2018

Charlene, you could be old, by the time you get to 1,000,000 points!!! (I am having difficulty getting 1800 more to catch up with you.)

@Freedompath remember..just mention S.E.X in any post..they'll come arunnin!..mostly..

@Charlene that is what it took? In that case i should be creeping along for a while as I will never catch up to you...I am afraid the universe might answer thinking I was serious! But, you go girl...

@Charlene What will happen when we get all the points? Will we get a car or vacation to exotic place? That may be beyond my life

@Freedompath ..we get a lovely minivan and a world passport..yay! Roadtrips!!!

Didn't read your profile and Clarksville is lovely..especially Tallulah Falls..yes I was there for a few days..happy to read about your New Mexico life!

@Charlene yes, my Clarkesville is a lovely Mayberry like town...FULL of evangelicals and believe me, they do not think outside the box, either! looks can be deceiving? NM, much more lolerant!

@Charlene yippi yi ya...

Oh I know about those folks..I lived in Atlanta for 20 years..loved it at 1st, then "those" people moved the carion lovers they are, and made living happily impossible...

@Charlene yes, I have lived down town, too...delightfull years ago!

Where? I lived in the Virginia Highlands & Little 5 Points area..

@Charlene Brookhaven...

@Freedompath lol..that was a little to suburban for my taste..lovely area though..had a friend that lived 3 blocks from Marta station..

@Charlene ...Buckhead is now what midtown once was for the younger people. I loved living in Brookhaven, I could be downtown in 20 mins...not down P'tree Rd. I have become addicted to flat straight roads and light traffic! Every age, requires something different I find!

@Freedompath. I've gone carless..I have 3 streetcar lines in walking of them is outside my front's wonderful..Boston has an awesome transport system, albeit a bit antiquated..

@Charlene I WOULD LOVE THAT, too! allows you to put your money into more important things! Than constant upkeep and gas for auto!

@Freedompath exactly sis!..


Other than the little aches and pains, being tired all the time, not being able to physically do some of the things I used to do and most of all, missing loved ones I have out lived, eh, it ain't so bad

ollieberry Level 7 Feb 12, 2018

On a more serious note: I know people who retired as senior and who started new and exciting careers. My formula is take care of yourself. Become a "health nut." Go into your senior years without the usual aches and pains. Then you have the monkey by the tail. You're wiser. The bad stuff has been worked out and is behind you. You're freer and ready to rock and roll. These can be the best years of your life.


Getting 'old' is so liberating that one might in time look forward to the final liberation. One, (this one) discovers with each passing day what was obscured in a youth filled with existential distractions. The life 'puzzle' has meant more pieces on the table.

Seeing patterns and belongingness of what pieces are left accelerates, leading to a more rapidly disclosed picture that wasn't possible to even imagine in youth, when so few pieces seemed related.

Silver1wun Level 7 Feb 11, 2018

BUt you've got your little yellow pill 🙂

BanjoTango Level 5 Feb 11, 2018

@KKGator does it sound the same as the version stuck in your head?

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