Looks like Katy did!
No, Katie didn't. It was just a rumour!
Well, we do have photographic evidence!
Those of us in Florida know a few things about the lubber. In Central Florida they appear in late April and May. They hatch as small black grasshoppers with a yellow stripe down their back. They have voracious appetites and can strip some plants in days. As they grow larger they turn yellow with that unique coloration. Once they hit that stage they can be rather difficult to kill. Bricks and shoeleather work well, as do hand grenades and kerosene! @Eyes_that_Smile enlightened me to another possibility - drown them in soapy water! Being a guy, I prefer to kill such critters with sufficient violence! Bwahahahaha!
That's the case for most insects....
That's a small male "Lubber Grasshopper" scientific name: Romalea microptera (Palisot de Beauvois) (Insecta: Orthoptera: Romaleidae)
Those are pretty insects...
very true. And animals have no hangups, they have sex only for pleasure. People often have sex for various reasons having nothing in common with pleasure
They hired good graphic designers.
this picture is real, man
@arizonajerry69 > animals have no hangups. . . .
These are insects, not animal. Most animals have sex is when another animal is in heat and often after they knock the other animals out of the way. Often it's a case of the biggest, the baddest rapist get laid.
. . .they have sex only for pleasure.
More like they have sex when their sex when their peckers are hard and then only during the optimum time for impregnation. Mammals often use sex to dominate a group of females.
In contrast, human females can't stand big, bad rapists who also create trauma and court cases.
@WonderWartHog99 Insects are animals.
They are in the Phylum Animalia (the animals) and the Class invertebrate (invertebrates; no backbone).
And it's hard to define "pleasure"...something "pleasurable" draws the animals of all species to mate. Perhaps all creatures - even plants...experience a "pleasureable" sensation from mating.
Many plants co-evolved with insects - so that the insects needed the plant pollen, and the plants needed the insects for pollination...who's to say if that wasn't "pleasure" driven?
@WonderWartHog99 stealing your meme!!
@Taladad he's wrong about a few things here...
@arizonajerry69 actually, animals have sex solely to perpetuate the species.
@EyesThatSmile who's to say if that wasn't "pleasure" driven?
Me. Now pay attention!
@Robecology They are in the Phylum Animalia (the animals) and the Class invertebrate (invertebrates; no backbone).
Okay, ya got that right. I got to make a mistake once in a while.
@WonderWartHog99 @Insectra is right; Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Arthropoda, Class Insecta.
@Robecology Your message was sent by way of the Redundant Department of Redundancy.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.