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scurry 9 July 7
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They interviewed some forth graders and asked them how many airport were in operation during the Revolutionary War. The answered NONE. And they did not need teleprompters,

Eirteacher Level 7 July 7, 2019

yea but ow many of them were self-proclaimed stable geniuses ?


Trump is 73 years old.

"Seaport" came out "Airport"

You will do the same thing when you are 73 too.

It's not like he talked about "visiting 57 states" when he was 47 years old.

BD66 Level 8 July 7, 2019

>You will do the same thing when you are 73 too.

I won't be running the country and yattering on about ramming the ramparts. Odds are Trump has no idea what a rampart is. A hall mark of Trump's speeches is incoherence.

And BTW, this is not the place to be supporting the idiot in the Oval Office, assbag! I mean, you can, because its still a free country, sadly enough for the fuhrer twump! But you can expect us free thinkers to reply appropriately.

What about that taan suit he ware and look good in? Not like your fat slob Russian Traitor hero.

@Stilltrying1964 Free thinkers are only allowed certain thoughts?

@BD66 you can think whatever you want and speak too, because this is the greatest country in the world, and surely didn't need a draft-dodging bone spur, contractor-ripping-off, racist, lying, bigot to make it great, and not again, because it's always been great, and will survive the true Enemy-of-the-people your fuhrer Twump! How can you possibly compare one of the greatest Presidents we've had to a man without morals? Obama: Zero scandals! Zero lies. Much class, dignity, compassion, and a statesman! Trump is none of those. But you can just cheer away. And we can continue to tell you how blind you are. K?

@BD66 as a general rule, trump supporters aren't very big on thinking.....freely, or at all really.

When I was 73, I never confused the words seaport and airport. I also never have stated that our intelligence services should bow out in favor of a Russian dictator, I also did not cheat, with a porn star, on my wife while she was giving birth, I also never said that my child was so beautiful that if I was younger I would date her/him. The most recent verbal gaffe of the disgusting piece of pond scum that currently calls our beautiful white out home, although he called it shabby, is just too blatant to ignore. But, just for You, he will create some, or several, crisis(es) to draw attention away from it. Something like jailing all the homeless people and then screaming about how taxes are to low to build enough jails to keep them locked up. It will be something that the media can sink their teeth into like a shark feeding frenzy. He's very good at that. But he will never live down the airport takeovers of 1775.

@SiouxcitySue Did you know how many states were in the United States when you were 47? I sure did.

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